r - Equivalent of `poly.counts` to count lat/long pairs falling inside of polygons with the sf package -
the sf
package provides great approach working geographic features, can't figure out simple equivalent poly.counts
function gistools
package desires sp
computes number of points spatialpointsdataframe
fall within polygons of spatialpolygonsdataframe
, can used follows:
## libraries library("gistools") library("tidyverse") library("sf") library("sp") library("rgdal") ## obtain shapefiles download.file(url = "https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/tiger2016/state/tl_2016_us_state.zip", destfile = "data-raw/states.zip") unzip(zipfile = "data-raw/states.zip", exdir = "data-raw/states") sf_us_states <- read_sf("data-raw/states") ## our observations: observations_tibble <- tribble( ~lat, ~long, 31.968599, -99.901813, 35.263266, -80.854385, 35.149534, -90.04898, 41.897547, -84.037166, 34.596759, -86.965563, 42.652579, -73.756232, 43.670406, -93.575858 )
calculate points per polygon
i generate both sp
sp_us_states <- as(sf_us_states, "spatial") observations_spdf <- observations_tibble %>% select(long, lat) %>% # spdf want long, lat pairs spatialpointsdataframe(coords = ., data = ., proj4string = sp_us_states@proj4string)
now can use poly.counts
points_in_states <- poly.counts(pts = observations_spdf, polys = sp_us_states)
add sp
sp_us_states$points.in.state <- points_in_states
now i've finished i'd convert sf
objects , visualise follows:
library("leaflet") updated_sf <- st_as_sf(sp_us_states) updated_sf %>% filter(points.in.state > 0) %>% leaflet() %>% addpolygons() %>% addcirclemarkers( data = observations_tibble )
can perform operation without tedious conversion between sf
, sp
try following:
sf_obs = st_as_sf(observations_tibble, coords = c("long", "lat"), crs = st_crs(sf_us_states)) lengths(st_covers(sf_us_states, sf_obs)) # check: summary(points_in_states - lengths(st_covers(sf_us_states, sf_obs)))
returns list indexes of points covered each state; lengths
returns vector of lenghts of these vectors, or point count. warnings you'll see indicate although have geographic coordinates, underlying software assumes cartesian (which, case, not problematic; move projected coordinates if want rid of proper way)
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