microsoft graph - "List ownedDevices" doesn't return all my devices -

i tried list owneddevices api using graph explorer , don't see devices own. see desktop when query$filter=displayname eq 'mydesktopnamehere'.

where user-device mapping defined? why list owneddevices result incomplete?

there relationship between user joined/registered device , device via corresponding 'owner' attribute. there 1 case (the domain joined case) there no user owner, , because domain joined devices automatically register azure ad using own computer accounts (even in absence of user logged on).

if interested, these ways device registered azure ad:

  1. domain joined devices registered azure ad: traditionally domain joined devices (to ad on-premises) automatically register azure ad. windows 10 computers registration happens in absence of user there no user owner these computers (the owner computer account on-prem).
  2. azure ad joined devices: when configure windows 10 device out-of-box-experience (oobe) using azure ad account. in case device gets registered azure ad , user authenticated in oobe added owner of device.
  3. personal device configured add work or school account: when have windows 10 device signing in microsoft account (hotmail, live, xbox, etc.) add azure ad account windows. in case device gets registered , azure ad user account owner of device.
  4. ios/android , other platforms adding support require user authenticate when adding account device. registers device , associate user owner.

for more information can read dj auto-registration azure ad behind scenes blog. can see other posts how azure ad join works behind scenes , how authentication works well.


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