osx - Install certificate in login keychain with swift 3 on MacOS -
i have cocoa project, building macos app. won't distribute on apple store.
what should use in swift 3 install certificate in login keychain, trusted, command ?
security add-trusted-cert -k ~/library/keychains/login.keychain-db ca-cert.cer
i have ca-cert.cer , ca-cert.pem created.
i know authorization api , saw in apple documentation method https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/1401659-secitemadd , doc https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/certificate_key_and_trust_services/certificates/storing_a_certificate_in_the_keychain
first create der version of pem
openssl x509 -outform der -in ~/ca-cert.pem -out ~/ca-cert.der
then following code install certificate in login keychain won't trusted.
{ let cerdata = nsdata(contentsoffile: homedirurl.path + "/ca-cert.der") let certificate: seccertificate? = seccertificatecreatewithdata(nil, cerdata as! cfdata) let addquery: [string: any] = [ksecclass string: ksecclasscertificate, ksecvalueref string: certificate, ksecattrlabel string: "my certificate"] let status = secitemadd(addquery cfdictionary, nil) guard status == errsecsuccess else { print("error \(status) : " + (seccopyerrormessagestring(status, nil) as! string)) return } } catch let error nserror { print("ooops! went wrong: \(error)") }
what should change trusted ?
in objective c, need following steps.
//your certificate have been installed in login.keychain using secitemadd
seccertificateref certificate; //use seccertificatecreatewithdata it. nsdictionary *newtrustsettings = @{(id)ksectrustsettingresult:[nsnumber numberwithint:ksectrustsettingsresulttrustroot]}; sectrustsettingssettrustsettings(certificate, ksectrustsettingdomainuser, (__bridget cftyperef)newtrustsettings));
note type hand, check type errors yourself.
i have tested myself, need change swift code.
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