javascript - Can't spot my syntax error in React Native? -

i'm trying create table in dynamodb thing is, why getting error says i'm missing , in code. i've tried placing next @ end of .createtable() method , @ end of .init() method doesn't work.

here's .js file:

// partition key = "user_id" // table name = "user_choice"  import react, { component } 'react'; import { connect } 'react-redux'; import { scrollview, text, view, button } 'react-native'; import { logout } '../redux/actions/auth'; import dropdownmenu 'react-native-dropdown-menu'; import icon './icon'; import {dynamodb} 'react-native-dynamodb';  let dynamodb = dynamodb.init({     credentials: {         accesskeyid: 'something',         secretkey: 'something'     }     // region: 'us-east-1' - default, optional     // version: '20120810' - default, optional })  dynamodb.createtable(params, function(err, data) {     console.error("unable create table. error json:", json.stringify(err, null, 2));     console.log("created table. table description json:", json.stringify(data, null, 2)); }  class secured extends component {     render() {         var data = [["something"], ["something"], ["something"], ["something"]];          return(             <scrollview style={{padding: 20}}>                 <icon/>                  <text style={{fontsize: 27}}>                     {`welcome ${this.props.username}`}                 </text>                  <view style={{flex: 1}}>                      <dropdownmenu style={{flex: 1}}                                   bgcolor={"purple"}  //the background color of head, default grey                                   tintcolor={"white"} //the text color of head, default white                                   selectitemcolor={"orange"} //the text color of selected item, default red                                   data={data}                                   maxheight={410}  // max height of menu                                   handler={(selection, row) => alert(data[selection][row])} >                          <view style={{flex: 1, alignitems: 'center', justifycontent: 'center'}} >                         </view>                     </dropdownmenu>                  </view>                  <view style={{margin: 20}}/>                  <button onpress={(e) => this.userlogout(e)} title="logout"/>              </scrollview>         );     } }  const mapstatetoprops = (state, ownprops) => {     return {         username: state.auth.username     }; }  const mapdispatchtoprops = (dispatch) => {     return {         onlogout: () => { dispatch(logout()); }     } }  export default connect(mapstatetoprops, mapdispatchtoprops)(secured); 

enter image description here

dynamodb.createtable(params, function(err, data) {     console.error("unable create table. error json:", json.stringify(err, null, 2));     console.log("created table. table description json:", json.stringify(data, null, 2)); } 

is missing ending )


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