Google Calendar API in iOS and Cross Client Authorization -

we have ios app uses google oauth ask users permission google calendar using embedded browser. user logs in via app , grants permission calendar(s), oauth authorization's refresh token , calendar id's stored in encrypted database. using refresh token , calendar id's - calendar items displayed on separate web application (without having request clients credentials again). worked great until google authorization requests in embedded browsers blocked on april 20 year. until time used single oauth client id , used client id & secret in both ios , web app. however, after april 20th, had create separate ios client key. issue although within ios app able ask users calendar permissions using code:

oidauthorizationrequest *request = [[oidauthorizationrequest alloc] initwithconfiguration:configuration clientid:googlecustomkey scopes:@[oidscopeopenid, oidscopeprofile, oidscopeemail, @"", @"", @"", @""] redirecturl:[nsurl urlwithstring:googleredirecturi] responsetype:oidresponsetypecode additionalparameters:nil];

however no longer able display users calendars using refresh token on web application. within web application, "unauthorized access" error when debug web application code. according google's documentation cross client authorization permitted not sure missing? thanks.


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