reactjs - What is difference between using mapDispatchToProps and this.props.dispatch() -

this question has answer here:

could provide difference between - mapdispatchtoprops , this.props.dispatch()

  • which 1 use when?
  • is reduxthunk

i've below code using this.props.dispatch

    /*action-navigation*/ /*navigation action*/  const init = () => {     return (dispatch) => {         dispatch ({             type : 'nav_links',             data : ['home', 'summary']             })     } }  /*component-navigation*/ class navigation extends react.component {     constructor(props){         super(props);         this.state = {     };     }   componentwillmount() {     this.props.dispatch(init());      }   componentwillreceiveprops(props){     console.log(props);   }   render() {     return (       <div classname="navigation-wrap">         <div classname="navigation-header">           navigation         </div>         {, index) => <div key={index}>{links}</div>)}       </div>     )   } }  const mapstatetoprops = (state={}) => {     return {         navigationreducer : state.navigationreducer,         navigationlinks : state.navigationreducer.navigationlinks     } }   let navigationcontainer = reactredux.connect(mapstatetoprops)(navigation);   /*reducer-navigation*/ /*navigation reducer*/  let initialstate = {};  const navigationreducer = (state=initialstate, action) => {     switch(action.type){         case 'nav_links':             return object.assign(state, {                 navigationlinks :             })         default:             return state     } }  /*reducer-index*/ /*combine reducers*/  const reducers = redux.combinereducers({     navigationreducer });  /*app*/ /*create store*/ const store = redux.createstore(     reducers,     redux.applymiddleware(reduxthunk.default) );  /*render component dom*/ const render = () => {     reactdom.render(         <reactredux.provider store={store}>             <navigationcontainer />         </reactredux.provider>,         document.getelementbyid('rootapp')     ); }  render(); 

when using redux connect, mapdispatchtoprops makes dispatch method available props. why have access this.props.dispatch() in component.


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