Find all permutations of smaller string s in string b (JavaScript) -

i've been trying find o(n) solution following problem: find number of anagrams (permutations) of string s in string b, s.length smaller b.length

i read optimal solution involves keeping track of frequencies of characters in smaller string , doing same sliding window moves across larger string, i'm not sure how implementation works. right solution doesn't work (see comments) if did, take o(s + sn) time.

edit: sample input: ('aba', 'abaab'). output: 3, because 'aba' exists in b starting @ index 0, , 'baa' @ 1, , 'aab' @ 2.

function anagramsinstr(s,b) {      //o(s)     let freq = s.split("").reduce((map, el) => {         map[el] = (map[el] + 1) || 1;         return map;     }, {});      let = 0, j = s.length;     // o(n)     (let char in b.split("")) {         // o(s)         if (b.length - char + 1 > s.length) {              let window = b.slice(i,j);              let windowfreq = window.split("").reduce((map, el) => {                 map[el] = (map[el] + 1) || 1;                 return map;             }, {});             // somewhere here compare frequencies of chars found in window frequencies hash defined in outer scope.              i++;             j++;          }     } } 

read through comments , let me know if have questions:

function countanagramoccurrences(s, b) {    var matchcount = 0;      var scounts = {}; // counts letters in s    var bcounts = {}; // counts letters in b      // construct scounts    (var = 0; < s.length; i++) {      scounts[s[i]] = (scounts[s[i]] || 0) + 1;    }      // letters occur in scounts    var letters = object.keys(scounts);      // each letter in b    (var = 0; < b.length; i++) {      // maintain sliding window      // if have s.length items in counts, remove oldest 1      if (i >= s.length) {        bcounts[b[i-s.length]] -= 1;      }      // increment count letter we're looking @      bcounts[b[i]] = (bcounts[b[i]] || 0) + 1;        // test match (b counts == s counts)      var match = true;      (var j = 0; j < letters.length; j++) {        if (scounts[letters[j]] !== bcounts[letters[j]]) {          match = false;          break;        }      }      if (match) {        matchcount += 1;      }    }      return matchcount;  }    console.log(countanagramoccurrences('aba', 'abaab')); // 3


a note runtime: sort of o(nk + m), n length of s, m length of b, , k number of unique characters in b. since m less n, can reduce o(nk), , since k bounded fixed constant (the size of alphabet), can further reduce o(n).


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