jquery - PHP Ajax calls is not getting an existing JSON array of result when AES encryption is used in database -
edit #2
i added var_dump($res)
, can see there array when typing something:
but th ehtml table not changing @ add result. error in javascript.
i have page can search long list of patients using jquery events ajax calls php server.
here jquery/ajax function sends variable called searchtxt
var searchfunction = function(){ var searchtxt = $("#searchtxt").val(); searchtxt = $.trim(searchtxt); //console.log(searchtxt); $.ajax({ url: '../php/searchpatient.php', type: 'post', data: {searchtxt: searchtxt}, datatype: 'json', success:function(resp) { //append data $("#patient_table tr").fadeout(400); $("#after_tr").before("<tr class='bg-info'><th>id</th><th>name</th><th>date of birth</th><th>phone</th><th>status</th><th>change status</th><th colspan='5' style='text-align:center'>actions</th></tr>"); $.each( resp, function(key, result) { var pid = result['patient_id']; var profilebtn = "<a id='profilebtn'><span class='badge badge badge-info' style='background-color: #0090ff'>patient profile</span></a>" $("#after_tr").after("<tr id="+result['patient_id']+"><td>"+result['patient_id']+"</td><td>"+result['patient_name_en']+"</td><td>" +result['dob']+"</td><td>"+result['patient_phone']+"</td><td>" +result['patient_status']+"</td><td><select style='color: #0090ff; ' class='form-control select patient_status' name='patient_status'><option value='select'>select</option><option value='active'>active</option><option value='deceased'>deceased</option><option value='discharged'>discharged</option><option value='defaulter'>defaulter</option></select><td>"+profilebtn+"</td>"); //if visit button clicked $("#patient_table #profilebtn").on('click', function(){ var id = $(this).closest('tr').attr('id'); window.location.href = "patient_profile_page.php?pid="+id; }) $(document).on('change', '.patient_status', function() { var $select = $(this); var $tr = $select.closest('tr'); var pid = $tr.attr('id'); var $status = $tr.children('td.change_status'); var current_status = $status.text(); var new_status = $select.val(); console.log(new_status); if (current_status == new_status) { alert("the status selected same!"); } else { //if (confirm("are sure want change status of patient ?")) { //console.log(pid + " " + new_status); $.ajax({ url: '../php/changestatus.php', type: 'post', datatype: 'text', data: { pid: pid, new_status: new_status }, success: function(resp) { if(resp=="updated") { $status.text(new_status); //console.log(resp); } }, error: function(resp) {} }); //} } }); }); }, error:function(resp) { console.log(resp); } }); }
and here events @ same file:
$(document).ready(function() { $("#searchtxt").on('keyup', searchfunction); $("#searchbtn").on('click', searchfunction); $("#searchbtn").on('change', searchfunction); });
the php script searchpatient.php
$res = array(); $cid = $_session['clinic_id']; $searchtxt = '%'.$_post['searchtxt'].'%'; $searchpatient = "select patient_id, aes_decrypt(patient_name_en, 'key1') patient_name_en, patient_name_ar, dob, patient_phone, patient_status patient clinic_id = :cid , patient_id :searchtxt or aes_decrypt(patient_name_en, 'key1') :searchtxt or dob :searchtxt or aes_decrypt(patient_phone, 'key1') :searchtxt or aes_decrypt(patient_name_ar, 'key1') :searchtxt"; $execsearchpatient = $conn->prepare($searchpatient); $execsearchpatient->bindvalue(':cid', $cid); $execsearchpatient->bindvalue(':searchtxt', $searchtxt); $execsearchpatient->execute(); $execsearchpatientresult = $execsearchpatient->fetchall(); $i = 0; foreach($execsearchpatientresult $result) { $res[$i] = $result; $i++; } echo json_encode($res);
i changed , add try{} catch{}
catch errors:
try { $res = array(); $cid = $_session['clinic_id']; $searchtxt = '%'.$_post['searchtxt'].'%'; $searchpatient = "select patient_id, aes_decrypt(patient_name_en, 'key1') patient_name_en, patient_name_ar, dob, patient_phone, patient_status patient clinic_id = :cid , patient_id :searchtxt or aes_decrypt(patient_name_en, 'key1') :searchtxt or dob :searchtxt or aes_decrypt(patient_phone, 'key1') :searchtxt or aes_decrypt(patient_name_ar, 'key1') :searchtxt"; $execsearchpatient = $conn->prepare($searchpatient); $execsearchpatient->bindvalue(':cid', $cid); $execsearchpatient->bindvalue(':searchtxt', $searchtxt); $execsearchpatient->execute(); $execsearchpatientresult = $execsearchpatient->fetchall(); $i = 0; foreach($execsearchpatientresult $result) { $res[$i] = $result; $i++; } echo json_encode($res); } catch(pdoexception $e) { echo $e->getmessage(); }
here current 2 patient list:
now if typed inside text box 0361
in database part of id, can't see result:
and @ console, there no error have this:
object {readystate: 4, getresponseheader: function, getallresponseheaders: function, setrequestheader: function, overridemimetype: function…}
i tested query in mysql workbench , returning results.
there can multiple causes this, did try log function on backend side , see data send backend? , send back? had same problems 1 solved by:
1.adding event.preventdefault();
- and other solved fix chrome jquery ajax failing, not cross-domain issue
my recommendation try generate request on postman , see returned result , log happens on backend , trying return.
hope helps bit!
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