html - The resource cannot be found error on clicking a link -

i have html page. when click on link <a href="~/floorplan/userlabfloor">on html page throws error "the resource cannot found" unable issue.

here html code (index.cshtml)

    <nav class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation">         <div class="container">             <!-- brand , toggle grouped better mobile display -->             <div class="navbar-header">                 <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1"></button>             </div>             <!-- collect nav links, forms, , other content toggling -->             <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1">              </div>             <!-- /.navbar-collapse -->         </div>         <!-- /.container -->     </nav>     <div class="container">         <div class="row">             <div class="col-lg-12">                 <h1 class="page-header">dashboard</h1>             </div>             <!-- /.col-lg-12 -->         </div>         <!-- /.row -->         <div class="row">             <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6">                 <div class="panel panel-red">                     <div class="panel-heading">                         <div class="row">                             <div class="col-xs-3">                                 <i class="fa fa-ticket fa-5x"></i>                             </div>                             <div class="col-xs-9 text-right">                                 <div class="huge"><i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></i></div>                                 <div>budget</div>                             </div>                         </div>                     </div>                     <a href="~/floorplan/userlabfloor">                         <div class="panel-footer">                             <span class="pull-left">view details</span>                             <span class="pull-right"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i></span>                             <div class="clearfix"></div>                         </div>                     </a>                 </div>             </div>      </div>      <script src="scripts/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>      <script src="scripts/bootstrap.min.js"></script> 


@model  ustglobal.workbench.ui.models.floorplanviewmodel  @{     viewbag.title = "requestform";  }      <div class="row">         <div class="col-lg-8">             <div class="panel panel-default">                 <div class="panel-heading">                     <h2 class="page-header">request form</h2>                 </div>             </div>             @using (html.beginform("userlabfloor", "floorplan"))             {                 <div class="row">                     <div class="col-lg-8">                         <div class="form-horizontal">                             <div class="form-group">                                 <label class="control-label col-lg-4">period:</label>                                 <div class="col-lg-8">                                     @html.dropdownlist("quarter", new selectlistitem[] { (new selectlistitem() { text = "q1", value = "1" }), (new selectlistitem() { text = "q2", value = "2" }), (new selectlistitem() { text = "q3", value = "3" }), (new selectlistitem() { text = "q4", value = "4" }) }, "-- select quarter --", new { @class = "form-control" })                                     <br />                                     @html.dropdownlist("year", new selectlistitem[] { (new selectlistitem() { text = "2016", value = "2016" }), (new selectlistitem() { text = "2017", value = "2017" }) }, "-- select year --", new { @class = "form-control" })                                 </div>                             </div>                         </div>                         <div class="form-horizontal">                             <div class="form-group">                                 <label class="control-label col-lg-4">line id:</label>                                 <div class="col-lg-8">                                     @html.textboxfor(model => model.floorconfig.lineid, new { onkeypress = "return isnumberkey(event)", @class = "form-control" })                                 </div>                             </div>                         </div>                          <div class="form-horizontal">                             <div class="form-group">                                 <label class="control-label col-lg-4">project:</label>                                 <div class="col-lg-8">                                     @html.textboxfor(model => model.floorconfig.project, new { onkeypress = "return isnumberkey(event)", @class = "form-control" })                                 </div>                             </div>                         </div>                           <div class="form-horizontal">                             <div class="form-group">                                 <label class="control-label col-lg-4">budget:</label>                                 <div class="col-lg-8">                                     @html.textboxfor(model => model.floorconfig.budget, new { onkeypress = "return isnumberkey(event)", @class = "form-control" })                                 </div>                             </div>                         </div>                       </div>                 </div>                  <div class="row">                     <div class="col-lg-offset-4" style="padding: 10px 0px 0px 0px;">                         <input type="submit" id="btnsubmit" value="submit" class="btn btn-lg btn-success" />                         <input type="button" id="btncancel" value="clear" class="btn btn-lg btn-success" />                     </div>                 </div>              }         </div>     </div> 


[actionname("userlabfloor")]         [httppost]         public actionresult userlabfloor()         {             floorconfirguration floorconfig = new floorconfirguration();              floorservice.savelabfloorconfig(floorconfig);              return view("userlabfloor");          } 

as @nirman have mentioned you're missing handler in floorplancontroller.cs.

you're returning userlabfloor view after form submission (post) didn't have [httpget] definition userlabfloor() method.

this means browser issue request after post there's no matching route (404) in mvc routetable in case.

to understand more behaviour, please read


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