javascript - Angular 1/Jasmine - Test element if exist inside ng-if -

i want test existence of input inside ng-if, without ng-if test passes not ng-if normal since ng-if removes element dom.

in template have :

  <div ng-if="$ctrl.shouldshowair">     <input class="form-control" type="text">   </div> 

in component

  shouldshow() {     this.shouldshowair = (this.parkingtype.labelkey === 'parking_type.air')   } 

unit test

import angular 'angular' import 'angular-mocks'  let scope let rootscope let compile let htmlelement let ctrl  fdescribe('projectexteriorparking', () => {   beforeeach(() => {     angular.mock.module('projectexteriorparkingmodule')     angular.mock.module('')   })    beforeeach(inject((_$compile_, _$rootscope_) => {     rootscope = _$rootscope_     compile = _$compile_     scope = rootscope.$new()     scope.parking = {}     htmlelement = compile(`<project-exterior-parking parking="project.realestateprojectproduct.parkings"></project-exterior-parking>`)(scope)     rootscope.$digest()   }))    beforeeach(inject(($componentcontroller) => {     let bindings = {       parking: {},       projectreferences: {}     }     ctrl = $componentcontroller('projectexteriorparkingmodule', null, bindings)   }))    it('should contain 2 input', () => {     const inputitems = htmlelement.get(0).queryselectorall('input')     expect(inputitems.length).tobe(2)   }) }) 

how can simulate variable shouldshowair true

you should write 2 tests , mock


to false in first test , test input null. mock false , test input defined.

or write 1 test, mock labelkey true , run existing test 'should contain 2 input'


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