x11 - Xlib won't draw anyting -

i'm pretty stuck on i'm doing wrong, i've attempted copy example code, i've tried changing colors. here's code:

//headers #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <x11/xlib.h> #include <x11/xatom.h>  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {     //vars create window     display *dis;     int screen;     window win;     xevent event;      //graphics content     xgcvalues values;     unsigned long valuemask = 0;     gc gc;      //to store mouse location     int mousex[2], mousey[2];      //stores screen dimensions     xwindowattributes xwa;     int screenheight, screenwidth;      //colors     colormap colormap;     xcolor backgroundcolor, white;      //checks open display     dis = xopendisplay(null);      //displays error     if(dis == null)     {         fprintf(stderr, "cannot open display\n");         exit(1);     }      //sets screen     screen = defaultscreen(dis);      colormap = defaultcolormap(dis, screen);          //background color     xparsecolor(dis, colormap, "#75677e", &backgroundcolor);     xalloccolor(dis, colormap, &backgroundcolor);      //white     xparsecolor(dis, colormap, "#ffffff", &white);     xalloccolor(dis, colormap, &white);      //creates window     win = xcreatesimplewindow(dis, rootwindow(dis, screen), 100, 100, 500, 300, 1, blackpixel(dis, screen), backgroundcolor.pixel);      //changes window full screen     //atom atoms[2] = { xinternatom(dis, "_net_wm_state_fullscreen", false), none };     //xchangeproperty(dis, win, xinternatom(dis, "_net_wm_state", false), xa_atom, 32, propmodereplace, (unsigned char *)atoms, 1);      //allocates graphics content     gc = xcreategc(dis, win, valuemask, &values);     xsetlineattributes(dis, gc, 2, linesolid, capbutt, joinbevel);     xsetfillstyle(dis, gc, fillsolid);     xsync(dis, false);      //stores screen dimensions      //todo: test     xgetwindowattributes(dis, win, &xwa);      screenwidth = xwa.width;     screenheight = xwa.height;      //inner circle     //xfillarc(dis, win)      xsetforeground(dis, gc, blackpixel(dis, screen));     xfillrectangle(dis, win, gc, 0, 100, 50, 50);      //listens input     xselectinput(dis, win, exposuremask | keypressmask);      //maps window     xmapwindow(dis, win);      while(1)     {         xnextevent(dis, &event);     }      xclosedisplay(dis);     return 0; } 

i no errors in console when run it, nothing baddrawable or anything. opens window fine, no rectangle appears on screen. i've tried making draw line, point, , arc.

this not authoritative answer, knowledge on subject sketchy @ best, event loop looks empty. window needs redrawn when expose event received.

for example:

while(1) {     xnextevent(dis, &event);      switch(event.type) {     case expose:         if (event.xexpose.count) break;          xfillrectangle(dis, win, gc, 0, 100, 50, 50);         break;      default:         break;     } } 


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