android - Why can't I add Google Cast Companion Library to my project? -

currently, project uses cast companion library sources. here dependencies in build.gradle file:

dependencies {     compile files('../../external/commonlibs/json/json-io-2.6.0.jar')     compile filetree(dir: '../../external/commonlibs/annotations', include: '*.jar')     compile filetree(include: '*.jar', dir: 'src/main/libs')     compile project(':common')     compile project(':common_ui')     compile project(':android-google-play-services_lib-v22')     compile project(':android-castcompanionlibrary-v22')     compile project(':adara-middleware')     compile project(':android-support')     compile project(':android-mediarouter')     compile 'com.nostra13.universalimageloader:universal-image-loader:1.9.4'     testcompile filetree(dir: '../../external/testlibs', include: '*.jar')      androidtestcompile ''     androidtestcompile '' } 

i want remove line "compile project(':android-castcompanionlibrary-v22')" , replace with:

compile '' 

when this, following error:

error:a problem occurred configuring root project 'fling'. > not resolve dependencies configuration ':_mycatapultvedebugapkcopy'.    > not find      required by:          :fling:unspecified 

i following instructions link:


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