core - DexExpress / DevExtreme: Getting msmdpump.dll to work with IIS Express -

i'm upgrading project older version of devexpress latest version of devextreme , having issue pivot grid's olap connection. in old version, bind connection string follows:

@html.devexpress().pivotgrid(pivotsettings).bindtoolap("provider=msolap;data source=.;initial catalog=dashboard as;cube name=dashboard cube").gethtml()

in new one, there no option connection string , forced provide url msmdpump.dll.

i followed of instructions here: configure http access analysis services on iis 8.0

however, iis , not iis express, copied files /wwwroot/olap/ in new .net core application.

my pivot grid has following definition:

@(html.devextreme().pivotgrid() .id("pivotgrid") .width("100%") .allowsortingbysummary(true) .allowfiltering(true) .showborders(true) .showcolumngrandtotals(true) .showrowgrandtotals(true) .showrowtotals(true) .showcolumntotals(true) .fieldchooser(c => c.enabled(true)) .datasource(d => d.retrievefields(true) .store(s => s.xmla() .url("/olap/msmdpump.dll") .catalog("dashboard as") .cube("dashboard cube") ) ) )

and msmdpump.ini follows:

<configurationsettings> <servername>localhost</servername> <sessiontimeout>3600</sessiontimeout> <connectionpoolsize>100</connectionpoolsize> </configurationsettings>

the problem keep getting 404 in browser console though url correct: http://localhost:4116/olap/msmdpump.dll

i can't find instructions getting msmdpump.dll work iis express.

i'm thinking maybe iis express prevents browser accessing dlls directly? i'm not certain... did give me 404 on .ini file when tested that. if problem, how solve it?

any appreciated.


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