javascript - Swap LexOrder Union Find -

so i'm doing interview practice questions , came across one: given string str , array of pairs indicates indices in string can swapped, return lexicographically largest string results doing allowed swaps. can swap indices number of times.


for str = "abdc" , pairs = [[1, 4], [3, 4]], output should swaplexorder(str, pairs) = "dbca".

by swapping given indices, strings: "cbda", "cbad", "dbac", "dbca". lexicographically largest string in list "dbca".

i've got working answer involving finding unions answer slow:

[time limit] 4000ms (js) 0 ≤ pairs.length ≤ 5000, pairs[i].length = 2. 1 ≤ str.length ≤ 10^4 

could me tweak code increase speed? heres code have:

  function swaplexorder(str, pairs) {     if (!pairs.length){         return str     }      answerhash = {}     unmoved = findunmoved(pairs, str.length)     unionsarr = findunions(pairs)       (i in unmoved){         answerhash[unmoved[i]] = str[(unmoved[i]-1)]     }      unionsarr.foreach(function(union){         letters = []         (i in union){             letters.push(str[(union[i]-1)])         }          letters.sort()         union.sort(function(a,b){             return b-a         })          (j in union){             answerhash[union[j]] = letters[j]         }      })      string = []     (keys in answerhash){         string.push(answerhash[keys])     }     return string.join('') }    //if 2 pairs share number belong in same array findunions = function(pairs, unions){    if (!unions){        unions = [pairs[0]];        pairs.shift();    }else{        if(pairs.length){            unions.push(pairs[0])            pairs.shift()        }    }      if (!pairs.length){         return unions     }      unite = true     while (unite && pairs.length){         unite = false         loop1:         (i in unions){             loop2:             (j in pairs){                 if (unions[i].includes(pairs[j][0])){                     unions[i].push(pairs[j][1])                     pairs.splice(j, 1)                     unite = true                     break loop1                 }else if (unions[i].includes(pairs[j][1])){                     unions[i].push(pairs[j][0])                     pairs.splice(j, 1)                     unite = true                     break loop1                 }             }         }     }     return findunions(pairs, unions) }   findunmoved = function(pairs, length){     range = []     (var i=1;i<length+1;i++){         range.push(i);     }     allnum = [].concat.apply([], pairs)     range = range.filter(function(x){         return (!allnum.includes(x))     })     return range } 

its function i'm using find unions thinking maybe without creating hash? if ya'll know of better method of solving problem i'm learning somethinig new. thanks!


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