java - In Selenium, if a step fails for a test case, is it possible to just report the failure and continue with remaining steps? -

in selenium, if step fails test case, possible report failure , continue remaining steps? execution halts if there exception. test case looks like-

public class tc002_abc extends opentapwrappers {             @test (description="test")     public void main()      {          try         {                          webdriverwait wait=new webdriverwait(driver, 60);                  verifytitle(constant.homepage_title);               click(homepage.link_login(driver), "login link");                        wait.until(expectedconditions.urlcontains(constant.loginurl));                 verifytextpopulated(communicationpref.lbl_emailaddress_input(driver), constant.emailaddress);                    /* validate email communications */                              click(communicationpref.link_editemailcommunications(driver),"edit email communications");             verifytext(communicationpref.lbl_uncheckedemailcommunications(driver), constant.uncheckedemailcommunications_text);             click(communicationpref.btn_emailcommunicationssave(driver), "save");                                        verifytext(communicationpref.lbl_checkedemailcommunications(driver), constant.checkedemailcommunications_text);                        }         catch (nosuchelementexception e)          {             e.printstacktrace();             reporter.reportstep("nosuchelementexception" , "fail");                  }     }      @beforeclass     public void beforeclass()     {         browsername="firefox";         testcasename = "tc002_abc";         testdescription = "test";     }  } 

sample method-

public static void verifytitle(string title){      try     {                 if (driver.gettitle().equalsignorecase(title))         {                        reporter.reportstep("page loaded :"+title, "pass");                              }         else              reporter.reportstep("page title :"+driver.gettitle()+" did not match :"+title, "fail");      }     catch (exception e)      {         e.printstacktrace();         reporter.reportstep("the title did not match", "fail");     }  } 

since you're using testng, implement soft assertion

public void verifytitle(string title) {       softassert assertion = new softassert();      string returnedtitle = driver.gettitle();       if (assertion.asserttrue(returnedtitle.contains(title)))      {            reporter.reportstep("page loaded :" + title, "pass");       } else      {           reporter.reportstep("page title :" + driver.gettitle() + " did not match :" + title, "fail");      } } 

let me know if helps.


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