c++ - Get File Name which is currently writing in WriteFile -

bool winapi mywritefile(  _in_        handle       hfile,  _in_        lpcvoid      lpbuffer,  _in_        dword        nnumberofbytestowrite,  _out_opt_   lpdword      lpnumberofbyteswritten,  _inout_opt_ lpoverlapped lpoverlapped ) { lptstr filepath; dword  filepathlength=500;     getfinalpathnamebyhandle(hfile,filepath,filepathlength,file_name_normalized); return writefile(hfile,lpbuffer,nnumberofbytestowrite,lpnumberofbyteswritten,lpoverlaped) } 

this function written in dll implementing security of software in injected want file name writing. tried use getfinalpathnamebyhandle() in visual studio 2013 says getfinalpathnamebyhandle undefined. in regard appreciated.


error list

error 2

error c3861: 'getfinalpathnamebyhandle': identifier not found test.cpp 132 test.cpp

intellisense: identifier "getfinalpathnamebyhandle" undefined test.cpp 132 test.cpp

edit 2

i included #include <fileapi.h>   #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> #include <assert.h> #include <fileapi.h> 

but still getting same errors.

edit 3

problem solved removing these lines stdafx.h

#ifndef _win32_winnt        // allow use of features specific windows xp  or  later.                    #define _win32_winnt 0x0501 // change appropriate value  target other versions of windows. #endif       

thank all


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