arrays - TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable -
i have seen other people asking similar can not figure out problem anyway. trying translate matlab code python , have problem after following line in loop:
dx = abs(np.diff(g_coord(num)))
below have code loop. appreciated. tried fix myself unsuccessfully. sorry if stupid mistake. matlab lines kept python comments in case helps.
import numpy np scipy.sparse import lil_matrix # physical parameters seconds_per_yr = 60*60*24*365; # number of seconds in 1 year lx = 10000 ; #length of spatial domain (m) cp = 1e3 ; # rock heat capacity (j/kg/k) rho = 2700 ; # rock density (kg/mˆ3) k = 3.3 ; # bulk thermal conductivity (w/m/k) kappa = k/(cp*rho); # thermal diffusivity (mˆ2/s) tb = 0 ; # temperatures @ boundaries (o c) = 2.6e-6 ; # heat production (w/mˆ3) h = a/(rho*cp); # heat source term (o k/s) % numerical parameters dt = 1000*seconds_per_yr ; # time step (s) ntime = 5000 ; # number of time steps nels = 40 ; # total number of elements nod = 2 ; # number of nodes per element nn = nels+1 # total number of nodes dx = lx/nels ; # element size g_coord = np.arange(0, lx+1, dx)#[0:dx:lx] bcdof = np.array([1, nn]); #[ 1 nn ] ; boundary nodes bcval = np.array([tb, tb]); #[ tb tb ] ; # boudary values g_num = np.zeros((nod, nels), float); #zeros(nod,nels) ; g_num[0,:]=np.arange(1, nn); #g_num(1,:) = [1:nn-1] ; g_num[1,:]=np.arange(2, nn+1); #g_num(2,:) = [2:nn] ; # initialise matrices , vectors ff = np.zeros((nn,1), float); # system load vector b = np.zeros((nn,1), float); # system rhs vector lhs=lil_matrix((nn, nn)) #lhs = sparse(nn,nn); system lhs matrix rhs=lil_matrix((nn, nn)) #rhs = sparse(nn,nn); system rhs matrix displ = np.zeros((nn,1), float); # initial temperature (o c) #----------------------------------------------------- # matrix assembly #----------------------------------------------------- # matlab version of loop #----------------------------------------------------- #for iel=1:nels # loop on elements # num = g_num(:,iel) ; # retrieve equation number # dx = abs(diff(g_coord(num))) ; # length of element # mm = dx*[1/3 1/6 ; 1/6 1/3 ] ;# mass matrix # km = [kappa/dx -kappa/dx ; -kappa/dx kappa/dx ]; #diffn matrix # f = dx*h*[1/2 ; 1/2] ; # load vector # lhs(num,num) = lhs(num,num) + mm/dt + km ; # assemble lhs # rhs(num,num) = rhs(num,num) + mm/dt ; # assemble rhs # ff(num) = ff(num) + f ; # assemble load #end # end of element loop #python version of loop #----------------------------------------------------- iel in range(0, nels): # loop on elements num = g_num[:,iel] # retrieve equation number #print(num) dx = abs(np.diff(g_coord[num])) # length of element mm = dx*(np.array([[1/3, 1/6],[1/6, 1/3]])) # mass matrix km = np.array([[kappa/dx, -kappa/dx],[-kappa/dx, kappa/dx]]) f = dx*h*(np.array([1/2, 1/2])).reshape(-1,1) # load vector lhs[num,num] = lhs[num,num] + mm/dt + km # assemble lhs rhs[num,num] = rhs[num,num] + mm/dt # assemble rhs ff[num] = ff[num] + f # assemble load
the error seems because num
. do:
dx = abs(np.diff(g_coord[np.int32(num)]))
however raises error few lines later because num
2-element array. know code should not. if have more issues, can comment below or edit question first problem solved.
also, noticed left ;
@ end of lines in matlab. not need in python. also, think there no need specify float
when create matrices of zeros
, naturally float
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