javascript - Closures and ClickEvent Listener inside Iterator -

i know method of wrapping anonymous function in parentheses , calling right away called iife (immediately-invoked function expression, pronounced "iffy").

the script below iterate on cats object , dynamically allocate cat images,names , number of clicks on every image inside container.

var cats = [{         path: "img/cat.jpg",         name: 'lazy cat',         click :0     },     {         path: "img/cat.jpg",         name: 'shy cat',        click :0      }  ]   (var = 0; < cats.length ; ++) {         //generating container every cat     var containerid = "cat-container"+ i;     //caching property value every cat     var catname = cats[i].name;     var imgpath = cats[i].path;     var clickid = "click"+i;     var imageid = "cat"+i;     //append these property in dom     $('.left-container').append('<div id ="'+containerid+'">');     $('#'+containerid+'').append('<p>'+catname+'</p>');      $('#'+containerid+'').append('<p id = "'+clickid+'">'+cats[i].click+'</p>');     $('#'+containerid+'').append('<img id ="'+imageid+'"src ="'+imgpath+'">');      //targeting elements id     $('#cat'+i+'').click( (function(icopy) {       return function() {         //increment click value.         cats[icopy].click++;         //add value on inside <p> element.         $('#click'+icopy+'').text(cats[icopy].click);       }     })(i)); } 

it works need understand point

the loop iterate (2 times here) , after user interact page clicking on image how event listener handler value of required parameter such i , icopy. makes sense me click event must during execution time of loop pass both parameters i , icopy .

i confused that.


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