SQL Server: query to get the data between two values from same columns and calculate time difference -

i have requirement number of hours between 2 values, 20 , 25 or above (this user input values , not fixed). below table sample data.

consider in table on 01-09-2016 08:40 value_id 25 , reaches 20 on 02-09-2016 13:20, need consider number of hours between these 2 range ie 12 hours , 40 min .. 04-09-2016 13:20 reached 26.3 (which above 25 ) , '06-09-2016 16:20' reached 19.3 (below 20) , number of hours 45 hours. tried creating function, it's not working..

code create table:

create table [dbo].[numofhrs]( [id] [float] null, [date] [datetime] null, [value_id] [float] null ) on [primary] 

code insert data :

insert [dbo].[numofhrs]        ([id]        ,[date]        ,[value_id])  values (112233,'8-31-2016 08:20:00',19.2), (112233,'9-01-2016 08:30:00',24), (112233,'9-01-2016 08:40:00',25), (112233,'9-01-2016 09:20:00',26), (112233,'9-02-2016 10:20:00',27), (112233,'9-02-2016 10:20:00',24), (112233,'9-02-2016 10:20:00',23), (112233,'9-02-2016 11:20:00',22), (112233,'9-02-2016 12:20:00',21), (112233,'9-02-2016 13:20:00',20), (112233,'9-03-2016 13:20:00',19.8), (112233,'9-04-2016 13:20:00',21), (112233,'9-04-2016 14:20:00',24), (112233,'9-04-2016 16:20:00',24.6), (112233,'9-04-2016 19:20:00',26.3), (112233,'9-04-2016 23:20:00',27), (112233,'9-05-2016 00:20:00',22), (112233,'9-06-2016 16:20:00',19.3), (112233,'9-07-2016 00:20:00',22), (112233,'9-08-2016 00:20:00',21), (112233,'9-09-2016 00:20:00',23), (445566,'9-10-2016 00:20:00',24), (445566,'9-11-2016 00:20:00',25), (445566,'9-12-2016 00:20:00',26), (445566,'9-13-2016 00:20:00',24), (445566,'9-14-2016 00:20:00',23), (445566,'9-15-2016 00:20:00',24), (445566,'9-16-2016 00:20:00',21), (445566,'9-17-2016 00:20:00',20), (445566,'9-18-2016 00:20:00',18.5), (445566,'9-19-2016 00:20:00',17) 

image of table: enter image description here

well, couldn't think of simpler. here's try solve problem:

;with numofhrs_rn (     select id, [date], value_id,             row_number() on (partition id order [date]) rn     [dbo].[numofhrs]  ), numofhrs_lag (     select t1.id, t1.[date],             t2.value_id prev_value,             t1.value_id curr_value                numofhrs_rn t1     -- previous value (lag)     join numofhrs_rn t2 on t1.id = t2.id , t1.rn = t2.rn + 1  ), numofhrs_flag (     select id, [date], prev_value, curr_value,             case                when curr_value >= 25 , prev_value < 25 'start'               when curr_value <= 20 , prev_value > 20 'stop'               else 'ignore'            end flag     numofhrs_lag ), numofhrs_grp (      select id, [date], curr_value, flag,            row_number() on (partition id order [date]) -            case flag               when 'start' 0               when 'stop' 1            end grp     numofhrs_flag     flag in ('start', 'stop') ) select min([date]) 'start', max([date]) 'stop' numofhrs_grp group id, grp order min([date]) 


start                    stop ------------------------------------------------ 2016-09-01 08:40:00.000  2016-09-02 13:20:00.000 2016-09-04 19:20:00.000  2016-09-06 16:20:00.000 2016-09-11 00:20:00.000  2016-09-17 00:20:00.000 

you can manipulate above query in order time difference expressed in hours/minutes/seconds format.

demo here


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