scala - Am I publishing my sbt plugin properly so it can be resolved in Bintray? -

i wrote sbt plugin (gitflow-packager), published maven style bintray here:

when try use plugin in project added project's plugins.sbt file:

addsbtplugin("co.blocke" % "gitflow-packager" % "0.1.5") 

this didn't resolve--didn't try @ bintray (sbt version 0.13.11). added line front of plugins.sbt:

resolvers += resolver.bintrayrepo("blocke", "releases") 

now looked @ right path (almost). here's tried , failed look:

you can see there's difference in path. there's "_2.10_0.13" in path that's not present in actual bintray published path.

how should either 1) publishing differently or 2) consuming differently can use plugin?

for reference, here build.sbt gitflow-packager show how i'm building project:

sbtplugin := true  version := "0.1.5"  name := "gitflow-packager"  organization := "co.blocke"  scalacoptions in compile ++= seq("-deprecation", "-target:jvm-1.6")  publishmavenstyle := true  resolvers += resolver.url("dl.bintray-repo", new""))(resolver.ivystylepatterns)  addsbtplugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "1.2.0")  bintrayorganization := some("blocke")  bintrayreleaseonpublish in thisbuild := false  licenses += ("mit", url(""))  bintrayrepository := "releases"  bintraypackagelabels := seq("sbt", "sbt-plugin", "git-flow") 


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