java - bottomsheet stops between EXPANDED and HIDDEN -

i'm trying create bottomsheet that's either expanded or out of view - don't want anywhere in middle or peeking.

here's xml:

<linearlayout         android:id="@+id/bottom_sheet"         android:layout_width="250dp"         android:layout_height="250dp"         android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal"         android:background="@android:color/holo_blue_bright"         android:cliptopadding="true"         android:orientation="vertical"         android:elevation="10dp"         app:behavior_peekheight="0dp"         app:behavior_hideable="true"         app:behavior_skipcollapsed="true"         app:layout_behavior="">          <textview             android:id="@+id/delete_btn"             android:layout_width="wrap_content"             android:layout_height="wrap_content"             android:layout_gravity="center"             android:background="@color/cinza3"             android:text="clear/delete q"/> </linearlayout> 

in code have following methods:

private void showhidebottomsheet() {         if (mbsbehavior.getstate() != bottomsheetbehavior.state_expanded) {             showbottomsheet();         } else {             hidebottomsheet();         }     }       private void showbottomsheet() {         mbsbehavior.setstate(bottomsheetbehavior.state_expanded);     }       private void hidebottomsheet() {         mbsbehavior.setstate(bottomsheetbehavior.state_hidden);     } 

and in layout there's button calls showhidebottomsheet() when clicked.

when click button, works fine , bottomsheet shown/hidden. if it's expanded , click on textview elsewhere in code (outside bottomsheet), example, bottomsheet moves down little, not - it's top half visible, if log it's state, it's state_expanded.

  1. what's difference between state_hidden , state_collapsed? i've searched everywhere visual explanation couldn't find it. 'intermediate' state collapsed state? if set peekheight="0" in xml , skipcollapsed="true"?
  2. what peekheight , skipcollapsed in xml do?
  3. how can make visible or hidden @ times , avoid 'intermediate' state?

edit: there's textview inside bottomsheet, , and onclicklistener on it. when click it, bottomsheet goes 'intermediate' state too, though onclicklistener not call setstate or related bottomsheet.

updated support:design library 25.3.1 , started working expected.


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