javascript - Property 'jumpservice' does not exist on type 'PaperDocuments' -
- i new angular 2 , typescript.
- i facing below erros in code.
- i googled error , asked include import statements.
- but still error not going.
- can guys tell me how fix it.
- providing code , error below.
- am missing
- i tried possible solutions
///<reference path="../../../assets/js/jquery/jquery.d.ts" /> import {ngmodule, custom_elements_schema,component, elementref, inject, oninit, viewchild} '@angular/core'; import {http,httpmodule, response,headers, requestoptions } '@angular/http'; import {kendogridcomponent} '../grid/grid.component'; //import { translateservice } '../../translate/translate.service'; import { sportsservice } '../../services/sports.service'; import {jumpservice} '../jump/jumpservice'; import { formsmodule } '@angular/forms'; import {observable} 'rxjs/rx'; declare let $:any; @component({ selector: 'paperdocuments', template: `<div id="windowcontainer"></div>` }) export class paperdocuments { @viewchild(kendogridcomponent) private gridmobile: kendogridcomponent; private datasourceval; private maingrid; private grid; private isvisible = false; public togglecollapse : string; private kpopupwindowviewhistory; private filename; private scrollclicked; private dynamicnetwks; /*localization*/ public show: string; public all: string; public entries: string; public cancelbtn: string; public okbtn: string; public attachbtn:string; public elfbtn: string; public browsebtn:string; public dragdrop: string; public clearbtn:string; public attachmenttype:string; public fileselect:string; private type = ["prm", "str","frt", "urban legends"]; private isdone: boolean = true private filestoupload: array<file>; private files = []; private url = "http://localhost:3002/upload"; private dialogcommand; public encodebase64:any; public iscontractlocked=false; private loggedusername; private documenttype=''; public elfdocidtemp; public openflag = false; private selectedoptions; //private fileselected = false; private mobilecommand = { edit: { createat: "bottom" }, group: true, reorder: true, resize: true, sort: true, autobind: false, filter: { mode: "menu" }, pager: { messages: { display: "showing {0} {1} of {2} entries" } }, model: {}, columns: [], pagesize: 50, getcomponenturl: "jumps/v1/jumps/35355?includes=payments", postcomponenturl: "jumps/v1/jumps/35355?includes=payments", excelfileuidname: "viewpaymentexport", islevels: false, excelfilename: { filename: "viewpaymentexport", allpages: true }, contextmenuid: "context-menuallocation", navigate: false, data: "", mandatoryfields: [], disablefreeze: true, searchfields: [], defaultsort: [] }; constructor(public sportsservice : sportsservice ){ } ngoninit() { this.documenttype='contract'; this.privilegesettings(); let that=this; this.jumpservice.reloaddocumenteventreceived.subscribe(documents=>{ that.documenttype="contract"; $('.addelfdocumentform').hide(); that.isdone = true; that.dragdrop= that.clearbtn; $("#attachdocumentbrowsebtn").val(''); if(documents.isreload){ this.mobilecommand.getcomponenturl='jumps/v1/jumps/''?includes=documents';// that.gridmobile.getservicecall(; }else{ that.rowdotmenuclick({"selectedmenuitem":"setdata","type":"normalservice","data"}); } }); this.mobilecommand.model={ id: "documentid", fields: { contextrow:{editable:false,filterable:true}, docid:{editable:true,filterable:false,sortable:false}, documentname: { editable: false, nullable: true }, //elfdocid: { editable: false, nullable: true }, elfdocid: { validation: { required: true, digits:true } }, url: { editable: false, nullable: true }, documenttype: { editable: false, nullable: true }, date: { editable: false, nullable: true } } }; this.mobilecommand.columns=[ { field: "contextrow", width: 25, title:" ", template:""/*'<span class="contextmenurow" id="contextmenurowid"></span>'*//*"<span class='fa fa-file docicon' id='dcms'></span>"*/ }, { field: "docid", width: 25, title:" ",sortable:false, /*template:"<span class='documenticon displayinlineblock'></span>"/*,*/ template: function name(model) { return that.imagetype(model); }, editor:function (container,model){ that.doctemplateeditor(container,model,that); } } ]; } privilegesettings():void{ let userprivilege = this.sportsservice.getuserprivilege({"parent":"contract management","child":"documents"}) if(userprivilege == "full"){ this.iscontractlocked = false; }else{ this.iscontractlocked = true; } } running(values):void{ let = this; $("#windowcontainer").append(`<div class="allocationviewhistorypopupbox"> <div id="viewhistorypopupwindow" class="mobilepobupbox"> <div class="row mobilepopupheader"> <div class="mobilepopupheadertitlebox"> <h4 class="">documents</h4> </div> <div class="mobilepopupheaderactionsbox"> <button class="clearbtn triggerkpopupclickviewhistory" type="button" id="closepopup">close</button> </div> </div> <div class="clearfloat"></div> <div class="row mobilepopupgridcollection padbottom0imp"> <div id="popup-loading"></div> <div class="col-xs-12 pad0imp borderhistorygridtop"> <div id="viewhistorypopupgrid" class="kgridstaticfilter"></div> </div> <div class="clearfloat"></div> </div> <div class="clearfloat"></div> <label class="commonlink cursorpointer valigntop lineheightinputs" (click)="browsebutton()" id="forattachdocumentbrowsebtn" [class.disabled]="iscontractlocked">browse{{browsebtn}}</label> </div> </div>`); let viewhistorypopupgrid =[]; that.datasourceval = new { transport: { read: function(e) { e.success(viewhistorypopupgrid); } }, sort: true, group: [{field:}] //ignorecase: false //<--ignore casing stop applying .tolowercase() // filter: "gte" //<-- filter operator compliant `number` type }); that.maingrid = { datasource: that.datasourceval, reorderable:true, sortable: true, filterable: {mode:"row, menu"}, databound:function(e){ let griddatasource = e.sender.datasource; console.log('history',e) if ( > 0) { $("#collapsebtn123").removeclass('actiondisabled') }else{ that.togglecollapse="collapse all"; $('#collapsebtn123').text(that.togglecollapse); $("#collapsebtn123").addclass('actiondisabled') } }, groupable:true, editable: false, columns: values.columns, pageable:{messages: {display: "showing {0} {1} of {2} entries"}}, pagesize:50, }; that.kpopupwindowviewhistory = $("#viewhistorypopupwindow"); // $("#closepopup").click(function(){ // that.closepopup(); // console.log("click"); // }); // $("#collapsebtn123").click(function(){ // that.collapsebtn(); // }); that.kpopupwindowviewhistory.mobilewindow({ width: "80%", title: false, visible: true, resizable: false, actions: false, draggable: false, modal: true, ignorecase: false, //<--ignore casing stop applying .tolowercase() filter: "gte", //<-- filter operator compliant `number` type open:function(e) { let windowheight = $(window).outerheight(); //let popupheight = $('.k-widget.k-window').outerheight(); let popupheight = 500; console.log(windowheight, popupheight); if(popupheight < windowheight) { $("html, body").css("overflow", "hidden"); } else { } }, close: function(e) { $("html, body").css("overflow", ""); that.isvisible=false; }, deactivate: function() { this.destroy(); console.log("deactivate call"); } // closepopup: function() { //"mobilewindow").close(); // } });"mobilewindow").center();"mobilewindow").open(); $(".k-window").css("top", "15%"); // closepopup(): void { // //this.isvisible = false; //"mobilewindow").close(); // } } } -macbook-pro:webapp raj$ npm start > sports@1.0.0 start /users/raj/desktop/nbc/webcomponent/src/main/webapp > tsc && concurrently "npm run tsc:w" "npm run lite" app/components/skys/sky-documents.ts(129,8): error ts2339: property 'jumpservice' not exist on type 'paperdocuments'. app/components/skys/sky-documents.ts(140,10): error ts2339: property 'rowdotmenuclick' not exist on type 'paperdocuments'. app/components/skys/sky-documents.ts(200,23): error ts2339: property 'imagetype' not exist on type 'paperdocuments'. app/components/skys/sky-documents.ts(203,16): error ts2339: property 'doctemplateeditor' not exist on type 'paperdocuments'. app/components/skys/sky-documents.ts(211,28): error ts2339: property 'sportsservice' not exist on type 'paperdocuments'. npm err! code elifecycle npm err! errno 2 npm err! sports@1.0.0 start: `tsc && concurrently "npm run tsc:w" "npm run lite" ` npm err! exit status 2 npm err! npm err! failed @ sports@1.0.0 start script. npm err! not problem npm. there additional logging output above. npm err! complete log of run can found in: npm err! /users/raj/.npm/_logs/2017-07-26t03_44_36_683z-debug.log
you need inject jumpservice
constructor(public sportsservice : sportsservice, private _jumpservice : jumpservice ){ }
and use as,
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