reactjs - React-router and redux manual URL enter error -

i have problem of undefined props redux store. here routehandler file

function organisationsfromstore(store) {   const { router, organisations } = store;   return {     organisations   } }  function organisationfromstore(store) {   const { router, organisations } = store;   const { organisationid } = router.params;   return {     organisation: organisations.get(parseint(organisationid))   } }   export const organisationroutehandler = connect(organisationfromstore)(organisation); export const accountsconfigurationroutehandler = connect(organisationsfromstore)(accountsconfiguration); 

this hooked getroutes.jsx file handles routes:

<route path="accounts" component={accountsconfigurationroutehandler}>    <route path=":organisationid" component={organisationroutehandler}></route> </route> 

in organisation.jsx(which gets organisations prop it's parent accountsconfiguration) component have:

render() {     return (       <div style={{display: "inline"}}>         <div classname={styles.desks}>           <span classname={deskstyles.deskslabel}>desks</span>           <ul classname={deskstyles.deskslist}>             {               this.props.organisation.get("desks").map(desk => {                 return <li>{desk.get("name")}</li>;               })             }           </ul>         </div>         <div classname={this.state.childrenstyle}>           {this.props.children}         </div>       </div>     ); 

when thy enter url manually e.g localhost:1234/accounts/4 (4 being organisationid), error saying this.props.organisations not defined, breaks app. happening because first route's handler (organisationsfromstore) did not store organisations , didn't pass prop accountsconfiguration, didn't pass organisations via this.props.children.

what best way make component wait previous routes props, , render in case organisation component without error? or there better way of doing this. hope clear, thanks.

p.s i'm using old redux-router version before v2, , must version @ time.

ok, mind wasn't working yesterday, inserted check if props defined , rendered conditionaly this.props.organisation ? .... : null


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