php - Codeigniter Automatic welcome email on registration -

how can send welcome email registration system?

function register()     {         if(isset($_post['register'])){              $this->form_validation->set_rules('username','username','required|is_unique[accounts.username]');             $this->form_validation->set_rules('email','email','required|is_unique[]');             $this->form_validation->set_rules('password','password','required');          //              if($this->form_validation->run () == true){                 echo 'form validate';                  $data = array(                     'username'=>$_post['username'],                     'email'=>$_post['email'],                     'password'=>strtoupper(hash('whirlpool',$_post['password']))                      );                  $this->db->insert('accounts',$data);                  $this->session->set_flashdata('success_msg', 'sua conta foi criada com sucesso.');                  redirect("painel/register");             }         } 

how can send welcome email registration system?

after insert successful

 try {         $this->send_email($email, $subject, $message)       } catch (exception $e) {          $this->set_error($e->getmessage());         } 

my send_mail function :

public function send_mail($to, $subject, $body, $from = null, $from_name = null, $attachment = null, $cc = null, $bcc = null) {         try {             $mail = new phpmailer;             $mail->issmtp(); //             $mail->smtpdebug = 1;             $mail->host = "";             $mail->smtpauth = true;             $mail->username = $emailusername;             $mail->password = $emailpassword;             $mail->port = 465;              if ($from && $from_name) {                 $mail->setfrom($from, $from_name);                 $mail->setaddreplytofrom($from, $from_name);             } elseif ($from) {                 $mail->setfrom($from, $this->site_name);                 $mail->addreplyto($from, $this->site_name);             } else {                 $mail->setfrom($this->default_email, $this->site_name);                 $mail->addreplyto($this->default_email, $this->site_name);             }              $mail->addaddress($to);             if ($cc) { $mail->addcc($cc); }             if ($bcc) { $mail->addbcc($bcc); }             $mail->subject = $subject;             $mail->ishtml(true);             $mail->body = $body;             if ($attachment) {                 if (is_array($attachment)) {                     foreach ($attachment $attach) {                         $mail->addattachment($attach);                     }                 } else {                     $mail->addattachment($attachment);                 }             }              if (!$mail->send()) {                 throw new exception($mail->errorinfo);                 return false;             }             return true;         } catch (phpmailerexception $e) {             throw new exception($e->errormessage());         } catch (exception $e) {             throw new exception($e->getmessage());         }     } 


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