Issues with Laravel and Vue -
i using vue , laravel spa. having issue first time click link on app see flash, , after page transitions smooth.
i included 15-second video demonstrating issue here:
the plugins using vue-router , vuetify.
here entry file app.js
import vue 'vue'; import vuetify 'vuetify'; import vuerouter 'vue-router'; import app './views/app.vue'; vue.use(vuetify); vue.use(vuerouter); window.vue = vue; const foo = { template: '<div>foo</div>' }; const bar = { template: '<div>bar</div>' }; const bit = { template: '<div>bit</div>' }; const bat = { template: '<div>bat</div>' }; const routes = [ { path: '/foo', component: foo }, { path: '/bar', component: bar }, { path: '/bit', component: bit }, { path: '/bat', component: bat } ]; const router = new vuerouter({ routes // short `routes: routes` }); const app = new vue({ el: '#app', render: h => h(app), router });
here main template file app.vue
<template> <v-app id="example-2" standalone> <v-navigation-drawer persistent dark :mini-variant.sync="mini" v-model="drawer" overflow> <v-toolbar flat class="transparent"> <v-list class="pa-0"> <v-list-tile avatar tag="div"> <v-list-tile-avatar> <img src="" /> </v-list-tile-avatar> <v-list-tile-content> <v-list-tile-title>john leider</v-list-tile-title> </v-list-tile-content> <v-list-tile-action> <v-btn icon @click.native.stop="mini = !mini"> <v-icon>chevron_left</v-icon> </v-btn> </v-list-tile-action> </v-list-tile> </v-list> </v-toolbar> <v-list class="pt-0" dense> <v-divider></v-divider> <v-list-tile v-for="item in items" :key="item.title" route :to="item.path"> <v-list-tile-action> <v-icon>{{ item.icon }}</v-icon> </v-list-tile-action> <v-list-tile-content> <v-list-tile-title>{{ item.title }}</v-list-tile-title> </v-list-tile-content> </v-list-tile> </v-list> </v-navigation-drawer> <v-toolbar fixed class="indigo darken-4" dark> <v-toolbar-side-icon @click.native.stop="drawer = !drawer"></v-toolbar-side-icon> <v-toolbar-title>toolbar</v-toolbar-title> </v-toolbar> <main> <v-container fluid> <router-view></router-view> </v-container> </main> </v-app> </template> <script> export default { data () { return { drawer: true, items: [ { title: 'foo', icon: 'dashboard', path: '/foo' }, { title: 'bar', icon: 'question_answer', path: '/bar' }, { title: 'bit', icon: 'home', path: '/bit' }, { title: 'bat', icon: 'settings', path: '/bat' } ], mini: false, right: null } } } </script>
i shared full code here:
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