javascript - My area calculator runs wrong and doesnt give me an error. Am a beginner so i have no clue what's going on -
alert("welcome area calculator!"); prompt("would calculate area of 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional object? type in either 2d or 3d") === objectdimension; // user chooses dimension if (objectdimension === "2d") { // user chooses shape prompt("what shape find area of? can choose rectangle, circle, or triangle.") === chosenshape; } else if (objectdimension === "3d") { // user chooses 3d object prompt("what 3d object find area of. can choose long it's cube.") === chosenshape; } function calculatearearectangle(length, width) { alert("the area of rectangle " + length * width + " units."); } function calculateareacube(length, width, height) { alert("the area of cube " + length * width * height + " units."); } function calculateareatriangle(base, height) { alert("the area of triangle " + base * height * .5 + " units."); } function calculateareacircle(radius) { alert("the area of circle approximately " + 3.14 * radius * radius + "units, if 3.14 used pi."); } // 3d shape function calling if (chosenshape === "cube") { calculateareacube( prompt("what length of cube?"), prompt("what width of cube?"), prompt("what height of cube?") ) } // 2d shape function calling else if (chosenshape === "rectangle") { calculatearearectangle( prompt("what length of rectangle?"), prompt("what width of rectangle?") ) } else if (chosenshape === "circle") { calculateareacircle( prompt("what radius of circle?") ) } else if (chosenshape === "triangle") { calculateareatriangle( prompt("what base of triangle?"), prompt("what height of triangle?") ) }
i don't understand why area calculator won't work. when use goes straight cube , doesn't give me error. doing wrong? complete beginner programming appreciated.
it looks might confused on how assign values variables. have
prompt("would calculate area of 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional object? type in either 2d or 3d") === objectdimension;
but compares result of prompt(...)
hasn't been defined console tells you. want first declare variable assign example:
var objectdimension = prompt("would calculate area of 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional object? type in either 2d or 3d");
a more complete example of assignment , comparison:
var result; result = prompt("enter 1 or 2"); if(result === "1"){ alert("you entered number one!") } else if(result == "2") { alert("you entered number 2!") } else { alert("y u no listen") }
the ==
, ===
comparison while =
assignment. may want read this , this more help
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