Empty cleaned_data dict when using custom dictionary made of request.POST for Django formset -

i data post request. want make changes data , pass formset. function:

def add_report(request, project): if request.method == 'post':     data = dict(copy.deepcopy(request.post))     del data['media_url'], data['save_reports']      data['document_type'] = map(lambda x, y: x or y, data['document_type'], data['document_type_other'])     data['paid_at'] = zip(data['day'], data['month'], data['date-year'])     data['paid_at'] = map(lambda x: get_paid_at_date(x), data['paid_at'])      del data['document_type_other'], data['day'], data['month'], data['date-year']      qdict = querydict('', mutable=true)     qdict.update(data)      max_num = len(request.post['description'])     media = request.post.get('report_file')      qdict['form-total_forms'] = max_num     qdict['form-initial_forms'] = u'0'     qdict['form-max_num_forms'] = u''      reportformset = formset_factory(form=documentcreateform)     formset = reportformset(qdict)      form_number, form in enumerate(formset):         if form.is_valid():             print ("form.cleaned_data", form.cleaned_data)             # after want fields , save              object 

the form valid cleaned_data empty dictionary. documentcreateform:

class documentcreateform(forms.modelform):     document_type = forms.choicefield(widget=forms.select(),      choices=document.document_choices)     report_file = forms.charfield(required=false,      widget=forms.hiddeninput)      class meta:         model = document         fields = ('amount', 'paid_at', 'description', 'document_type',)      def clean_document_type(self):         document_type = self.cleaned_data.get('document_type')         if document_type:             return document_type         raise forms.validationerror("this field required",          code='required') 

do have idea doing wrong , how can fix this? lot in advance! p.s. i've found similar questions didn't help.


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