reactjs - Bug ESlint with class React, example : 'state' is not defined. (no-undef) -

i'm working on project , when cloned project on macbook, after yarn in shell install packages, , atom . open atom. eslint got "bug".

for example, code :

/*  * package import  */  import react, { component } 'react';  import proptypes 'prop-types';  import { link } 'react-router-dom';  import classnames 'classnames';   /*  * code  */ class userdropdown extends component {   /*    * proptypes    */    static proptypes = {      ... // code     }     /*    * state    */    state = {      ... // code    };    /*    * actions    */    onlogout = () => {      ... // code    }; 

eslint tell me :

error   eslint  'proptypes' not defined. (no-undef)  22:10 error   eslint  'state' not defined. (no-undef)  32:3 error   eslint  'onlogout' not defined. (no-undef)   52:3 

i'm still using "babel-plugin-transform-class-properties": "^6.24.1", , declare in brunch-config :


  plugins:     babel:       presets: ['latest', 'react']       plugins: [         'transform-class-properties'         'transform-object-rest-spread'       ] 

my .eslintrc

{   "extends": "airbnb",   "parser": "babel-eslint",   "env": {     "browser": true   },   "rules": {     "brace-style": ["error", "stroustrup"],     "no-param-reassign": ["error", { "props": false }],     "no-mixed-operators": ["error", { "allowsameprecedence": true }],     "jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions": "off",     "react/jsx-filename-extension": "off",     "react/forbid-prop-types": "off",     "react/no-unescaped-entities": "off",     "linebreak-style": "off"   },   "settings": {     "import/resolver": {       "node": {         "paths": ["app/"]       }     }   } } 

and packages.json

"devdependencies": { "auto-reload-brunch": "^2.7.1", "autoprefixer": "^6.7.7", "babel-brunch": "^6.1.1", "babel-eslint": "^7.2.3", "babel-plugin-transform-class-properties": "^6.24.1", "babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread": "^6.23.0", "babel-preset-react": "^6.24.1", "babel-register": "^6.24.1", "babel-resolver": "^1.1.0", "brunch": "^2.10.9", "chai": "^3.5.0", "enzyme": "^2.8.2", "eslint": "^3.19.0", "eslint-config-airbnb": "^14.1.0", "eslint-import-resolver-node": "^0.3.0", "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.2.0", "eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "^4.0.0", "eslint-plugin-react": "^6.10.3", 

i'm working on 2 computer, , on linux, it's okay. so, have idea? if need more code understand, can send it. dude !

i had same problem , because had eslint 4 installed. check package.json , make sure it’s not "eslint": "^3.19.0 || ^4.3.0". i’m using create-react-app, , it’s not compatible eslint 4 yet:


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