c# - Kafka being able to write to a topic beyond retention period -

what behavior of topics go beyond retention period? possible write them after retention policy period? have been trying write them on confluent-kafka-dotnet (a .net library) when run consumer don't see messages streaming through. value of partition empty string array. possible write topic beyond retention time or topic disabled?

using (var consumer = new consumer(config)) {     consumer.assign(new list<topicpartitionoffset> { new topicpartitionoffset(topicname, 0, 0) });      while (true)     {         message msg;         if (consumer.consume(out msg))         {             console.writeline("topic: {0} response: p{1},o{1} :{3}", msg.topic, msg.partition, msg.topicpartitionoffset, encoding.utf8.getstring(msg.value));         }     } } 

kafka's retention period applies past events, not event writing right now. should able see new messages no matter retention policy is.

example: topic 24h retention created @ midnight, july 1st. on 23:50, july 1st, data wrote during entire day still there. @ 01:00, july 2nd, data written after 1:00am, july 1st stored (last 24h), earlier events "purged".

if consumer can't see new messages, 1 of two: 1. messages being written @ all? (kafka has file-dump utility check) 2. when consumer start reading? if consumer starts @ end of topic, may miss earlier messages. if starts @ beginning, messages in topic. "auto.offset.reset" configuration controls this. "--from-beginning" if using console consumer.


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