powershell - Copying files defined in a list from network location -

i'm trying teach myself enough powershell or batch programming figure out achieve following (i've had search , looked through couple hours of youtube tutorials can't quite piece figure out need - don't tokens, example, seem necessary in loop). also, not sure if below best achieved robocopy or xcopy.


define list of files retrieve in csv (file name listed 13 digit number, extension unknown, .jpg might .png - achieved wildcard?)

list read like:

9780761189931 9780761189988 9781579657159 

for each line in text file, do:

search network folder , all subfolders

if exact filename found, copy arbitrary target (say new folder created on desktop)

(not 100% necessary, nice have) once loop has completed, output list of files copied text file in newly created destination folder

i gather i'll maybe need couple of things first, define variables source , destination folders? found below elsewhere couldn't quite head around it.

set src_folder=o:\2017\by_month\covers set dst_folder=c:\users\%username&\desktop\getcovers /f "tokens=*" %%i in (isbn.txt) (     xcopy /k "%src_folder%\%%i" "%dst_folder%" ) 

thanks in advance!

this solution in powershell, way.

to subfiles of folder, use get-childitem , pipeline, , can compare name insides of csv (which can using import-csv, way).

get-childitem -path $src_folder -recurse | foreach{$_.fullname} 

i'd use function edit name string, know isn't best way it. create function outside of pipeline, , have return modified path in such way can continue previous line this:

get-childitem -path $src_folder -recurse | foreach{$_.copyto (edit-path $_.fullname)}  

where "edit-directory" function takes in path, , modifies return destination path. also, can alternatively use robocopy or xcopy instead of copyto, copy-item powershell native , doesn't require string manipulation (which in experience, less, better).

edit: here's function trick:

function edit-path{ param([string] $path)      $modified_path = $dst_folder + "\"      $modified_path = $path.substring($src_folder.length)      return $modified_path } 

edit: here's how integrate importing csv, copy happens files written in csv (which had left out, oops):

$csv = import-csv $csv_path get-childitem -path $src_folder -recurse | where-object{$csv -contains $_.name} | foreach{$_.copyto (edit-path $_.fullname)}  

note have put whole csv path in $csv_path variable, , depending on how contents of file written, may have use $_.fullname, or other parameters.


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