one to many - Symfony Sonata OneToMany, Sum or Total of a field is not showing in the Admin List -

i have 2 entities, client , campaign.

client entity  /**  * @orm\onetomany(targetentity="campaign", mappedby="client")  */ protected $campaign; 


campaign entity  /**  * @var integer  *  * @orm\column(name="numberofbid", type="integer", nullable=true)  */ protected $numberofbid;  /**  * @orm\manytoone(targetentity="clients", inversedby="campaign")  * @orm\joincolumn(name="client_id", referencedcolumnname="client_id")  */ protected $client;  /* let's  client has campaign a, numberofbid = 1 client has campaign b, numberofbid = 5 client has campaign c, numberofbid = 3 client has campaign d, numberofbid = 4                 total numberofbid =    13     */ 

problem: how sum of numberofbid , show 1 column in client admin list board? on method configurelistfields, tried different ways using sonata_type_model, doctrine_orm_callback, query still didn't work.

client id |  campaign totalbid         |       13   

hoping feedback.

thanks in advance.

first should rename

protected $campaign; 


protected $campaigns; 

cause it's collection. 1 client has many campaigns.

to problem: implement method on client entity this

class client{ ...     public function gettotalnumberofbids() {         $i = 0;         foreach ($this->getcampaigns() $campaign) {             $i +=  $campaign->getnumberofbid();         }         return $i;     } ... } 

and add list view by

protected function configurelistfields(listmapper $list) {     $list     ...     ->add('totalnumberofbids'); } 

the "magic getter" automatic invoke gettotalnumberofbids method.

note: dependent on number of objects holding campaigns collection, summation of numberofbids slow due use of foreach loop.


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