c# - Custom Validation if FileUpload is Empty my message is show -

this `.aspx` `fileuupload` .. <asp:fileupload  id="fileupload1"  runat="server" class="multi form-control"   />  <asp:customvalidator id="validatorupload" runat="server" errormessage="file upload tidak boleh kosong" controltovalidate="fileupload1" display="dynamic" onservervalidate="validatorupload_servervalidate"></asp:customvalidator> 

and .aspx.cs(code behind).

protected void validatorupload_servervalidate(object source, servervalidateeventargs args)     {         fileupload upload = (fileupload)formview1.findcontrol("fileupload1");         httppostedfile hpf = upload.postedfile;         if (((customcontrols_ddllocation)formview1.controls[0].findcontrol("ddl_location1")).selectedtext.tolower().trim() == "kelanis")         {              if (hpf.filename == null)             {                 args.isvalid = false;             }             else             {                 args.isvalid = true;              }          }      } 

i want show message if fileupload empty code isn't working. need solution this.

i have used one. works perfactly

 <asp:fileupload id="fileupload1" runat="server" />     <br />     <asp:requiredfieldvalidator errormessage="required" controltovalidate="fileupload1"                                 runat="server" display="dynamic" forecolor="red" />     <asp:regularexpressionvalidator id="regularexpressionvalidator1" validationexpression="([a-za-z0-9\s_\\.\-:])+(.doc|.docx|.pdf)$"                                     controltovalidate="fileupload1" runat="server" forecolor="red" errormessage="please select valid word or pdf file file."                                     display="dynamic" />     <br />     <asp:button text="submit" runat="server" /> 

for images can use following regular expression validator




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