react native - Sticky footer button for form is not shown when keyboard pops up -

i have sticky footer button in form component. when opening keyboard button should on top of keyboard. tried use keyboardavoidingview in many ways didn't help.

my current code:

  //...   <view style={styles.container}>     <animated.view       style={[styles.line, { left: this.state.progressbar }]}     />     <kheader       hasborderbottom={false}       left={         <iconbutton           onpress={onpreviousstep}           style={styles.backicon}           name="back"           size={20}         />       }     />     <animated.view       style={[styles.body, { left: this.state.stepcontainerposition }]}>       {react.cloneelement(this.props.children[step], {         aftersubmit: onnextstep,         submittedfieldswitherrors,         updatefocus,         shouldwaitanimationtofocus: true,       })}     </animated.view>      <footerbutton       caption={this.props.children[step].props.buttonlabel}       onpress={this.onsubmit}     />   </view>   //...   const footerbutton = ({ caption, onpress }) =>   <view style={styles.footer}>     <somebuttoncomponent       caption={caption}       type="primary"       size="fullwidth"       style={styles.button}       onpress={onpress}     />   </view>;  const styles = stylesheet.create({   footer: {     flexdirection: 'row',     flex: 0.2,   },   button: {     alignself: 'flex-end',     position: 'absolute',   }, }); 

current behaviour when keyboard opened:

android: footer button shown on top of keyboard expected behaviour. when closing splash screen shown brief second keyboard was

ios: button not shown anymore.

how can achieve sticky button on top of keyboard?


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