javascript - Filter markers to display on google maps from search results -

i'd display on google maps markers after having search database elements. database made of restaurants latitude, longitude, address , restaurant's title. user searches restaurant based on city name, i'd display corresponding markers.

my problem can't figure out how link search results google markers. idea ?

hereafter code :


<div id="map"></div>  <% content_for(:after_js) %>     <script>       $(function() {         var handler ='google');         handler.buildmap({ internal: { id: 'map' } }, function() {           markers = handler.addmarkers(<%= raw @hash.to_json %>);           handler.bounds.extendwith(markers);           handler.fitmaptobounds();           if (markers.length == 0) {             handler.getmap().setzoom(2);           } else if (markers.length == 1) {             handler.getmap().setzoom(14);           }         });       });     </script> <% end %> 


class placescontroller < applicationcontroller    def index    @places = place.all    if params[:search].nil?      @places = place.where.not(latitude: nil, longitude: nil)    else      @search = params[:search]      @places ="created_at desc")    end    @hash = gmaps4rails.build_markers(@places) |place, marker| place.latitude      marker.lng place.longitude      marker.title place.title    end   end end 


class place < applicationrecord   validates_presence_of :title, :address   geocoded_by :address   after_validation :geocode, if: ->(obj){ obj.address.present? , obj.address_changed? }    def     where("address ?", "%#{search}%")   end end 


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