codeigniter - Upload Multiple Image when code moved to another laptop it shows error -

i did best debug code in first laptop , worked out when move laptop began show errors again cannot understand reason why.


public function uploadcollateralimage_front() {     $config['upload_path'] = './uploads/files';     $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|jpeg|png';     $config['max_size'] = '2408';     $config['max_width'] = '2408';     $config['max_height'] = '2408';     $this->load->library('upload', $config);     if ( !$this->upload->do_upload('userfile1')){         $error = array('error'.'hey' => $this->upload->display_errors());         var_dump( $error); die;      }else{         $filename = $this->upload->data();         $post_image = $filename['file_name'];         // var_dump($post_image); die;         return $post_image;     } } 


<?php       $attributes = array('name' => 'applicationform');      $hidden = array('userfile1' => 'userfile1');      echo form_open_multipart("client_dashboard/applicationpost",$attributes, $hidden);     ?>   
front-view image
        <input type="file" name="userfile1" class="w3-margin-left w3-col s10 w3-teal w3-medium w3-hover-white w3-wide " required/> 

and main method

public function applicationpost(){  $data_vehicleinformation = array();  $data_vehicleinformation['frontimage'] = $this->uploadcollateralimage_front();  check_insert_user = $this->foo_app->apply_loan($data_log, $data_user,   $data_loanapplication, $data_collateraldetails_app, $data_vehicleinformation ,   $data_paymentdetails, $data_loanpayment, $data_loanapproval,   $data_loanrequest);  } 

it show error like

array(1) { ["errorhey"]=> string(43) " did not select file upload. " } totally means did not end saving in database. , thought db error maybe because of collation or other matter not show error function uploadcollateralimage()

as comment:

moved ci installation php version 5.6.23-windows8 php version 5.5.11-windows7 ultimate

the codeigniter 3.x manual says:

server requirements

php version 5.6 or newer recommended.

please check server requirements here


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