c - Glut object's moving without telling -

i'm working glut , c, purpose screen 3d lego , 2 kaplas dynamic width, height , depth. there's few keyboard listeners move camera, , rotate kaplas.

my problem : when press touch of keyboard or mouse (wich not dealed in code) lego x , z positions increased !

here's code , details :

int main(int argc, char **argv) {     // init glut , create window    glutinit(&argc, argv);    glutinitdisplaymode(glut_depth | glut_double | glut_rgba);    glutinitwindowposition(100,100);    glutinitwindowsize(800,800);    glutcreatewindow("lighthouse3d- glut tutorial");     glclearcolor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);     glutdisplayfunc(renderscene); //my display function    glutreshapefunc(resize); //my reshape function     glutkeyboardfunc(key); //basic keyboard listener function    glutspecialfunc(specialkey); //special keyboard listener function     glenable(gl_depth_test);     glenable(gl_normalize);    glenable(gl_color_material);    glenable(gl_lighting);    glenable(gl_light0);     gllightiv(gl_light0, gl_position, light_position);     glutmainloop();     return 1; } 

the code below reshape function :

static void resize(int width, int height) {    if(height == 0)        height = 1;     const float ar = (float) width / (float) height;     glmatrixmode(gl_projection);    glloadidentity();    glviewport(0, 0, width, height);    gluperspective(90, ar, 1, 10000);    glmatrixmode(gl_modelview);    glloadidentity(); } 

next functions creating kapla , lego :

void setkapla() {     glcolor3f(0.76f, 0.42f, 0.0f);     float rx = xrot; //moved keyboard's 'x' key    float ry = yrot; //moved keyboard's 'y' key    float rz = zrot; //moved keyboard's 'z' key     float px = xpos; //not dynamic, equal 0.0f    float py = ypos; //not dynamic, equal 0.0f    float pz = zpos; //not dynamic, equal -30.0f     glpushmatrix();        gltranslatef(px, py, pz); //place origin point static coords        glrotatef(anglerot, rx, ry, rz); //rotate object following                                          //dynamic coords        glscalef(1.0f, 3.0f, 15.0f); //multiplying following cube                                      //proportions        glutsolidcube(2.0f); //base cube    glpopmatrix(); }  

now lego :

void setlego(int zheight) {     gluquadricobj* quadric = glunewquadric(); //creatin quadric object     gluquadricdrawstyle(quadric, glu_fill);      glcolor3f(0.72f, 0.72f, 0.05f);     glpushmatrix();         gltranslatef(poslegox, poslegoy, poslegoz); //setting lego                                                    //position                                                     //dynamic coords, setted                                                     //in function in                                                     //next bloc of code        glrotatef(-90, 1, 0, 0); //rotation next cylinder        glucylinder(quadric, 2.4, 2.4, 1.7, 10, 10); //cylinder in top of                                                      //the cube        gludisk(quadric, 0.0, 2.4, 10, 10); //closing bottom of                                             //cylinder        gltranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.7f); //translated top of                                         //cylinder        gludisk(quadric, 0.0, 2.4, 10, 10); //closing top of cylinder         gltranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, ((-3.2f * zheight) / 2.0f) - 1.7f);         //setting lego's basic cube position        glscalef(7.8f, 7.8f, 3.2f * zheight); //setting lego's basic cube                                               //size function param        glutsolidcube(1.0f); //creating cube     glpopmatrix();     gludeletequadric(quadric); } 

instead of kapla, lego not immediatly created in display function, before following function called multiply basic lego's make complete lego (following params) :

void addlego(int depth, int height, int width) {     int = 0;    int j = 0;     for(i=0 ; i<depth ; i++) { //multiply basic lego right depth         poslegox += 7.8f; //incrementing global variable wich change                           //basic position of current lego in above                           //function        setlego(height); //creating current basic lego    }     for(j=0 ; j<width ; j++) { //multiply basic lego right depth         poslegoz -= 7.8; //decrementing global variable wich change                          //basic position of current lego in above                          //function        setlego(height); //creating current basic lego    } } 

and display function :

void renderscene(void) {     glclear(gl_color_buffer_bit | gl_depth_buffer_bit);     printf("   xcam : %f | ycam : %f\n", xcam, ycam);     glpushmatrix();        glulookat(xcam, ycam, zcam,                  xcenter, ycenter, zcenter,                  xvec, yvec, zvec); //move camera keyboard's arrow                                      //touches         xpos = -10.0f; //x position of first kapla        ypos = -10.0f; //y position of first kapla        setkapla(); //set first kapla         xpos = 10.0f; //x position of second kapla        ypos = 10.0f; //y position of second kapla        setkapla(); //set second kapla         addlego(2, 5, 3); //creating complete lego 2 basic legos in                           //depth, 5 legos in height , 3 legos in width     glpopmatrix();     glutswapbuffers(); } 

my basic , special keyboard functions using keys : q, a, z, x, y, space, +, -, glut_key_left, glut_key_right, glut_key_up, glut_key_down.

when pressed key of mouse or keyboard, poslegox , poslegoz each incrementing , decrementing following code in addlego() function, there's no event in code wich control it.

the result complete lego run away camera when press key, not kapla !!

!important! made lot of tests, , problem located in addlego() function, tried put in glpushmatrix() , glpopmatrix() in different lines, tried put glflush() , glloadidentity() nothing worked ...

can have advice stop ?

thanks lot !

have nice day,


solution edit :

i found problem 1 of teacher : functions wich listening keyboard , mouse events listening keys , buttons they're not setted in functions, , refresh redisplay (wich call display function [here : renderscene()]). renderscene() call function wich increment , decrement global variables wich been setted when programm compile. solution set variables values @ beginning of function :

void addlego(int depth, int height, int width) {     poslegox = 0.0f;     poslegoz = -50.0f;//set values here when function                      //called, position of first lego                      //the same     int = 0;    int j = 0;     for(i=0 ; i<depth ; i++) { //multiply basic lego right depth         poslegox += 7.8f; //incrementing global variable wich change                           //basic position of current lego in above                           //function        setlego(height); //creating current basic lego    }      for(j=0 ; j<width ; j++) { //multiply basic lego right depth         poslegoz -= 7.8; //decrementing global variable wich change                           //basic position of current lego in above                          //function         setlego(height); //creating current basic lego     } } 

and works !


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