javascript - How to calculate angle between two planes? -
i have 2 planes, how can calculate angle between them? possible calculate angle between 2 object3d points in case of planes? heres example fiddle: const scene = new three.scene(); const camera = new three.perspectivecamera(45, window.innerwidth / window.innerheight, 1, 1000); camera.position.set(25, 25, 12); var material = new three.meshbasicmaterial({ color: 0x00fff0, side: three.doubleside }); window.plane1 = new three.mesh(new three.planegeometry(10, 10), material); scene.add(plane1); plane1.position.set(0.3, 1, -2); plane1.rotation.set(math.pi / 3, math.pi / 2, 1); window.plane2 = new three.mesh(new three.planegeometry(10, 10), new three.meshbasicmaterial({ color: 0x0fff00, side: three.doubleside })); scene.add(plane2); // setup rest var pointlight = new three.pointlight(0xffffff); pointlight.position.x = 10; pointlight.position.y = 50; pointlight.position.z ...