angularjs - ionic 2 CSRF failed -

i taked csrf failed error;

failed load resource: server responded status of 403 (forbidden)

response _body: "{"detail":"csrf failed: referer checking failed - no referer."}" headers: headers ok: false status: 403 statustext: "forbidden" type: 2 url: ""

my codes;

uyegiris() {   var veri,kullaniciveri;   this.deneme=2;    var headers = new headers();     headers.append('accept', 'application/json');     headers.append('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );     //headers.append('authorization' , 'basic '+ btoa(tok));     let options = new requestoptions({ headers: headers });      let postparams = {       username: this.user['usernameil'],       password:this.user['password'],     }"", postparams, options).timeout(2000)       .subscribe(data => {         veri = data['_body'];         veri= veri.slice(1, -1);         veri = veri.replace(/\\/g, "");         veri = json.parse(veri);         console.log(veri);         if(veri.msg_err)           {          let alert = this.alertctrl.create({          title: 'giriş hatası',          subtitle: veri.msg_err,          buttons: ['tamam']         });         alert.present();         }         else            {              this.kanallistele();            }        }, error => {         console.log(error);         this.deneme=error;       }); }  kanallistele() {  var veri;     this.kanallardiv=true;     this.uyegirisdiv=false;     this.kanallistelebtn = false;     this.kanallistelebtn2 = false;     var headers = new headers();     headers.append('accept', 'application/json');     headers.append('content-type', 'application/json' );     //headers.append('authorization' , 'basic '+ btoa(tok));     let options = new requestoptions({ headers: headers });      let postparams = {     token: "381f13d7056-ce5fe474919",     user_id: "71",     }     var veris="channel_name_";"", postparams, options)       .subscribe(data => {         veri = data['_body'];         console.log(veri);                veri= veri.slice(1, -1);         veri = veri.replace(/\\/g, "");         veri = json.parse(veri);         for(var = 0 ;;i++)           {               if(!veri.channel_list['channel_name_' + (i)])                     break;                   this.veriler.push({channelname: veri.channel_list['channel_name_' + (i)],channelid: veri.channel_list['channel_id_' + (i)]});                         }        }, error => {         console.log(error);         this.deneme=error;// error getting data       });     } 

this has nothing ionic. looks server / backend / whatsoever requires csrf tokens in order respond request , not attach them. should contact backend team in order add missing tokens request


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