algorithm - Corrects sequences of parenthesis -
corrects sequences of parentesis can defined recursively:
- the empty string "" correct sequence.
- if "x" , "y" correct sequences, "xy" (the concatenation of x , y) correct sequence.
- if "x" correct sequence, "(x)" correct sequence.
- each correct parentheses sequence can derived using above rules.
given 2 strings s1 , s2. each character in these strings parenthesis, strings not correct sequences of parentheses. interleave 2 sequences form correct parentheses sequence. note 2 different ways of interleaving 2 sequences produce same final sequence of characters. if happens, count each of ways separately.
compute , return number of different ways produce correct parentheses sequence, modulo 10^9 + 7.
example s1 = (() , s2 = ())
corrects sequences of parentheses, s1 (red) , s2(blue)
i don't understand recursive algorithm, x , y mean? , modulo 10^9 + 7?
first, tried defining permutations of s1 , s2 , calculate number of balanced parentheses. way wrong, isn't it?
class interleavingparenthesis: def countways(self, s1, s2): sequences = list(self.__exchange(list(s1 + s2))) corrects = 0 sequence in sequences: if self.__iscorrect(sequence): corrects += 1 def __iscorrect(self, sequence): s = stack() balanced = true = 0 while < len(sequence) , balanced: if '(' == sequence[i]: s.stack(sequence[i]) elif s.isempty(): balanced = false else: s.remove() += 1 if s.isempty() , balanced: return true else: return false def __exchange(self, s): if len(s) <= 0: yield s else: in range(len(s)): p in self.__exchange(s[:i] + s[i + 1:]): yield [s[i]] + p class stack: def __init__(self): self.items = [] def stack(self, data): self.items.append(data) def remove(self): self.items.pop() def isempty(self): return self.items == []
here's example shows how recursive property works:
start with:
x = "()()(())"
through property 2, break further x , y:
x = "()" ; y = "()(())"
for x, can @ insides property 3.
x = ""
because of property 1, know valid. y, use property 2 again:
x = "()" y = "(())"
using same recursion before (property 2, property 1) know x valid. note in code, have go through same process, i'm saving time humans. y, use property 3:
x = "()"
and again.. :
x = ""
and property 1, know valid.
because sub-parts of "()()(())" valid, "()()(())" valid. that's example of recursion: keep breaking things down smaller problems until solvable. in code, have function call regards smaller part of it, in case, x , y.
as question given, there bit doesn't make sense me. don't how there room doubt in string of parentheses, in image linked. in "((()())())" example, there no way these 2 parentheses not match up: "((()())())". therefore answer there 1 permutation every valid string of parentheses, wrong somehow.
could or else expand on this?
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