c++ - Vxworks sdOpen() errno: S_pgPoolLib_PAGES_NOT_ALLOCATED -
i trying read fpga registers user space application using vxworks function sdopen() (which create shared memory space). runned inside main function on vxworks 6.2 on arm-cortex a8. tried code still same error in title: sd_id sdid; sdid =sdopen( (char *)"iptest", // name : name of shared data region0, 0, //option om_create, // mode : open mode = create if not exits 4*1024, // size : size of shared data in bytes (off_t)0x25000000, // physaddress : optional physical address sd_attr_rw | sd_cache_off, (void **)&pvirtaddress); // attr : allowed user mmu attribute //pvirtaddress: optional virtual base address if(sdid == 0) { switch(errno) { case s_sdlib_virt_addr_ptr_is_null: printf("pvirtaddres...