ionic2 show whole text in list and navbar -

enter image description here

this image showing in news list, before can showing whole text, after add function button, cannot show whole text. using text-wrap news list can show whole text,but news content still cannot show whole next image how!!!!!!!!!!!!!

enter image description here

this image showing in news details, , want show whole title here also, here can show title text 'newtitle...' dun want '...' want show whole title here


<ion-header>   <ion-navbar color="danger" no-border-bottom>     <button ion-button menutoggle>       <ion-icon name="ios-contact"></ion-icon>     </button>      <ion-title>民安</ion-title>    </ion-navbar>    <!-- <ion-toolbar no-border-top color="danger">     <ion-searchbar            [(ngmodel)]="myinput"           [showcancelbutton]="shouldshowcancel"           (ioninput)="oninput($event)"           (ioncancel)="oncancel($event)"                placeholder="搜索">     </ion-searchbar>   </ion-toolbar> --> </ion-header>  <ion-content padding>     <ion-list no-lines>         <ion-item>             <ion-label fixed>新闻分类</ion-label>             <ion-select (ionchange)="changecategory()" [(ngmodel)]="category" name="category">                 <ion-option value="news">要闻</ion-option>                 <ion-option value="local">本地</ion-option>                 <ion-option value="policy">政策</ion-option>                 <ion-option value="activity">活动</ion-option>                 <ion-option value="volunteer">志愿者</ion-option>             </ion-select>         </ion-item>     </ion-list>        <ion-item-group *ngfor="let new of news">            <ion-thumbnail *ngif="new.preview_image1" item-start>             <img src="{{new.preview_image1}}">           </ion-thumbnail>           <ion-item (click)="gotonewsdetail(new)">             <h2>{{new.title}}</h2>             <h2>{{new.publish_time}}</h2>             <p>                 <ion-icon name="chatboxes">{{new.comments_count}}</ion-icon>             </p>           </ion-item>        </ion-item-group>  </ion-content> 


import { component, } '@angular/core'; import { ionicpage, navcontroller, navparams } 'ionic-angular';  import { newsdataprovider } '../../providers/news-data/news-data'; import { newsdetailpage } '../news-detail/news-detail';  @ionicpage() @component({   selector: 'page-news',   templateurl: 'news.html', }) export class newspage {     news:any;   category:any;   limit:any;   constructor(public navctrl: navcontroller, public navparams: navparams,public newsdata:newsdataprovider){     this.getnews(this.category,this.limit);     this.getdefaults();   }    getnews(category:any,limit:any) {       this.newsdata.getnews().then(data => { = data;       });   }    gotonewsdetail(newsitem:any) {     this.navctrl.push(newsdetailpage,{       new:newsitem     });   }    getdefaults(){     this.category = 'news';     this.limit = 10;   }    changecategory(){     this.getnews(this.category,this.limit);   }  } 


<ion-header>    <ion-toolbar color="danger">     <ion-buttons >         <button ion-button navpop icon-only>             <ion-icon ios="ios-arrow-back" md="md-arrow-back"></ion-icon>         </button>     </ion-buttons>     <ion-title>{{new.title}}</ion-title>   </ion-toolbar>  </ion-header>   <ion-content>     <!-- {{new.title}}<br/> <br/>     {{new.html_content}} -->     <ion-card>       <!-- <img src="{{new.preview_image1}}"       onerror="this.src='assets/img/logo2.jpg'"/> 有图片显示图片,无图片显示指定路径图片(民安logo)-->       <img *ngif=new.preview_image1 src="{{new.preview_image1}}"/>       <ion-card-content>         <ion-card-title>           <!-- {{new.title}}<br/><br/> -->           <ion-list>             新闻来源:             <ion-note>{{new.news_source}}</ion-note>           </ion-list> <br/>           <ion-list>             发布时间:             <ion-note>{{new.publish_time}}</ion-note>           </ion-list> <br/>           {{new.html_content}}         </ion-card-title>         </ion-card-content>     </ion-card> </ion-content> 


import { component } '@angular/core'; import { ionicpage, navcontroller, navparams } 'ionic-angular'; import { newsdataprovider } '../../providers/news-data/news-data';  @ionicpage() @component({   selector: 'page-news-detail',   templateurl: 'news-detail.html', }) export class newsdetailpage {     new: any;     constructor(public navctrl: navcontroller, public navparams: navparams,public newsdata:newsdataprovider) { = navparams.get('new');   }  } 

you can use of predefined css utilities in ionic text data.

try using text-wrap equivalent setting white-space: nowrap in css.

<ion-title text-wrap>{{new.title}}</ion-title> 


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