How to set timeout for HTTP request with hyper, tokio and futures in Rust? -
how set timeout http request using asynchronous hyper (>= 0.11)?
here example of code without timeout:
extern crate hyper; extern crate tokio_core; extern crate futures; use futures::future; use hyper::client; use tokio_core::reactor::core; fn main() { let mut core = core::new().unwrap(); let client = client::new(&core.handle()); let uri = "".parse().unwrap(); let work = client.get(uri).map(|res| { res.status() }); match { ok(status) => println!("status: {}", status), err(e) => println!("error: {:?}", e) } }
answering own question working code example, based on link provided seanmonstar hyper guide / general timeout:
extern crate hyper; extern crate tokio_core; extern crate futures; use futures::future; use futures::future::either; use hyper::client; use tokio_core::reactor::core; use std::time::duration; use std::io; fn main() { let mut core = core::new().unwrap(); let handle = core.handle(); let client = client::new(&handle); let uri: hyper::uri = "".parse().unwrap(); let request = client.get(uri.clone()).map(|res| res.status()); let timeout = tokio_core::reactor::timeout::new(duration::from_millis(170), &handle).unwrap(); let work = request.select2(timeout).then(|res| match res { ok(either::a((got, _timeout))) => ok(got), ok(either::b((_timeout_error, _get))) => { err(hyper::error::io(io::error::new( io::errorkind::timedout, "client timed out while connecting", ))) } err(either::a((get_error, _timeout))) => err(get_error), err(either::b((timeout_error, _get))) => err(from::from(timeout_error)), }); match { ok(status) => println!("ok: {:?}", status), err(e) => println!("error: {:?}", e) } }
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