vue.js - Pass data to a store? -
how can pass data vue component store?
here's component:
methods: { ...mapactions('navbar', [ 'fix', ]), onclick: function() { this.fix('my-data'); }, ....
and on store:
actions: { fix: ({ commit }) => { //get data here? }, },
actions mutations in vuejs 2.x can take 1 additional argument (often referred payload
) additional data.
from vuejs documentation on mutations:
you can pass additional argument store.commit, called payload mutation:
mutations: { increment (state, n) { state.count += n } } store.commit('increment', 10)
in cases, payload should object can contain multiple fields, , recorded mutation more descriptive:
mutations: { increment (state, payload) { state.count += payload.amount } } store.commit('increment', { amount: 10 })
and actions:
actions support same payload format , object-style dispatch:
// dispatch payload store.dispatch('incrementasync', { amount: 10 }) // dispatch object store.dispatch({ type: 'incrementasync', amount: 10 })
the documentation seems not clear on how define action, looks following should work:
actions: { incrementasync ({ commit, state }, payload) { ... } }
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