r - Unable to install rtools and configure the path correctly -

i followed this instructions install r , rstudio, specifically, in installation of r, set c:\r\r-3.4.1 folder store r instead of c:\program files\r\r-3.4.1 avoid possible issues space in path. followed this instruction step step download , install latest version of rtools. specifically, during installation of rtools, there message box enter image description here , followed instruction , click both of them.

then open rstudio (at moment, fresh, didn't install r packages except basic ones comes rstudio) , install.packages("devtools") looks smooth

package ‘withr’ unpacked , md5 sums checked package ‘devtools’ unpacked , md5 sums checked  downloaded binary packages in     c:\users\ftxx\appdata\local\temp\rtmpk2ee70\downloaded_packages 


library(devtools) find_rtools(t) error: running command '"c:/r/r-34~1.1/bin/x64/r" --no-site-file --no- environ --no-save --no-restore --quiet cmd config cc' had status 65535 

my system path is

sys.getenv()['path'] path                     c:\r\r- 3.4.1\bin\x64;c:\rtools\bin;c:\rtools\mingw_32\bin;c:\r\r- 3.4.1\bin;c:\program                      files\mingw-w64\x86_64-5.3.0-posix-seh-rt_v4-rev0\mingw64\bin\;c:\users\ftxx\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3;c:\users\ftxx\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\scripts;c:\users\ftxx\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\library\bin 

i found output of sys.getenv()['path'] , shell("path") generates different message. in shell('path') says

warning messages: 1: running command 'c:\program files\mingw-w64\x86_64-5.3.0-posix-seh- rt_v4-rev0\mingw64\bin /c path' had status 127  2: in shell("path") : 'path' execution failed error code 127 

i output variables

sys.which("ls.exe") ls.exe  "c:\\rtools\\bin\\ls.exe"  sys.which("gcc.exe") gcc.exe  "c:\\rtools\\mingw_32\\bin\\gcc.exe"  

and r 3.4.1 , on windows 10. suggestions appreciated.


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