r - What's the proj4string for lambert conformal projection from this netcdf file -

what i'm doing i'm using r. i'm creating raster netcdf file. weather forecast product nam model.

what's problem don't know how specify proj4string parameter when create spatialpoints. example, i'm looking this:

+proj=aea +lat_1=20 +lat_2=60 +lat_0=40 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=grs80 +datum=nad83 +units=m +no_defs 

and have grid information @ grid description. however, don't know these parameters mean , how match them lat_0 , etc.

therefore, create right projection information raster created netcdf file, how specify projection netcdf?

the partial output print(nc_open('nam_forecast.nc')) follow:

float gridlat_0[xgrid_0,ygrid_0]                la1: 12.1899995803833             lo1: 226.541000366211             lov: 265             dx: 12.1909999847412             dy: 12.1909999847412             latin1: 25             latin2: 25             units: degrees_north             grid_type: lambert conformal (secant, tangent, conical or bipolar)             long_name: latitude             corners: 12.1899995803833              corners: 14.3420877456665              corners: 57.3284339904785              corners: 54.5653381347656 float gridlon_0[xgrid_0,ygrid_0]                la1: 12.1899995803833             lo1: 226.541000366211             lov: 265             dx: 12.1909999847412             dy: 12.1909999847412             latin1: 25             latin2: 25             units: degrees_east             grid_type: lambert conformal (secant, tangent, conical or bipolar)             long_name: longitude             corners: -133.458999633789              corners: -65.1255569458008              corners: -49.4160041809082              corners: -152.878616333008 

thank much.

i'd answer own question since looks didn't intrigue interest.

i have created a gist on github solving problem.


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