swift - How to make a timer reset after button gesture in a different view controller? -
i developing quiz app user asked question @ random , must answer on initial view controller. if user picks correctly, second view controller appears contains button pops view controller off navigation stack , goes initial view controller finish other questions. however, have timer want reset (start @ 15s) every time second view controller popped , initial view controller appears next question. how accomplish task? have countdown timer code in swift file. need know how start scratch every time second view controller popped/removed.
here's code initial view controller:
import uikit extension viewcontroller: quizcompleteddelegate { func continuequiz() { randomquestion() } } class viewcontroller: uiviewcontroller { var questionlist = [string]() func updatecounter() { counter -= 1 questiontimer.text = string(counter) if counter == 0 { timer.invalidate() wrongseg() counter = 15 } } func randomquestion() { //random question if questionlist.isempty { questionlist = array(qadictionary.keys) } let rand = int(arc4random_uniform(uint32(questionlist.count))) questionlabel.text = questionlist[rand] //matching answer values go question keys var choices = qadictionary[questionlist[rand]]! questionlist.remove(at: rand) //create button var button:uibutton = uibutton() //variables var x = 1 rightanswerbox = arc4random_uniform(4)+1 index in 1...4 { button = view.viewwithtag(index) as! uibutton if (index == int(rightanswerbox)) { button.settitle(choices[0], for: .normal) } else { button.settitle(choices[x], for: .normal) x += 1 } randomimage() } } let qadictionary = ["who thor's brother?" : ["atum", "loki", "red norvell", "kevin masterson"], "what name of thor's hammer?" : ["mjolinr", "uru", "stormbreaker", "thundara"], "who father of thor?" : ["odin", "sif", "heimdall", "balder"]] //wrong view segue func wrongseg() { performsegue(withidentifier: "incorrectseg", sender: self) } //proceed screen func rightseg() { performsegue(withidentifier: "correctseg", sender: self) } //variables var rightanswerbox:uint32 = 0 var index = 0 //question label @iboutlet weak var questionlabel: uilabel! //answer button @ibaction func buttonaction(_ sender: anyobject) { if (sender.tag == int(rightanswerbox)) { rightseg() print ("correct!") } if counter != 0 { counter = 15 questiontimer.text = string(counter) } else if (sender.tag != int(rightanswerbox)) { wrongseg() print ("wrong!") timer.invalidate() questionlist = [] } } override func viewdidappear(_ animated: bool) { randomquestion() } //variables var counter = 15 var timer = timer() @iboutlet weak var questiontimer: uilabel! override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() // additional setup after loading view, typically nib. timer = timer.scheduledtimer(timeinterval: 1, target:self, selector: #selector(viewcontroller.updatecounter), userinfo: nil, repeats: true) } }
here's code second view controller:
class continuescreen: uiviewcontroller { var delegate: quizcompleteddelegate? //correct answer label @iboutlet weak var correctlbl: uilabel! //background photo @iboutlet weak var backgroundimage: uiimageview! func backtoquiz() { delegate?.continuequiz() if let nav = self.navigationcontroller { nav.popviewcontroller(animated: true) } else { self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } } @ibaction func `continue`(_ sender: any) { backtoquiz() } override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() } }
how make countdown timer reset after button push on different view controller?
- so if can reference of yourview controller have setup timer can access counter variable previous view controller inside second viewcontroller , when pushed button reset 0.
- if above approach not possible way create static variable , access anywhere , reset this:-
static var counter = 0
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