c# - Dynamically created panels not responding to CSS for alignment -
i working on website act blog. issue comments section , deals alignment of child comment panels. try add css float panels right, stay on left. have tried setting horizontalalign of parent panels right.
for more context, image of comments section:
as can see, child comments panels sticking left.
this method dynamically creating comments section exiting panel called panel1.
protected void drawcomments(string id, int numtabs, panel parentpanel) { string hash = id; sqlconnection conn = new sqlconnection(secret stuff); string cmdstr = "select * comments parentid=@searchhash"; sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(cmdstr, conn); cmd.parameters.add("@searchhash", sqldbtype.nvarchar).value = hash; try { conn.open(); sqldatareader reader = cmd.executereader(); panel temppanel; if (reader.hasrows) { while (reader.read()) { id = reader.getstring(4); temppanel = new panel(); temppanel.borderstyle = borderstyle.solid; temppanel.bordercolor = system.drawing.colortranslator.fromhtml("#2461bf"); temppanel.width = new unit((100 - (numtabs * 5)).tostring() + "%"); temppanel.attributes.add("style", "margin-left:auto;"); temppanel.attributes.add("style", "margin-right:auto;"); if (numtabs > 0) { temppanel.attributes.add("style", "margin-bottom:5px"); // temppanel.attributes.add("style", "border-top-style:none"); temppanel.attributes.add("style", "border-left-style:none"); // temppanel.attributes.add("style", "border-right-style:solid"); temppanel.attributes.add("style", "border-bottom-style:none"); } else { temppanel.attributes.add("style", "margin-top:50px"); // panel1.controls.add(new literalcontrol("<br />")); } label currcomment = new label(); label currauthor = new label(); currcomment.text = reader.getstring(0); currauthor.text = reader.getstring(3).split('@')[0]; table tbl = new table(); tbl.width = new unit("100%"); tbl.attributes.add("style", "margin-left:auto"); tbl.attributes.add("style", "margin-right:auto"); tablerow tblrow1 = new tablerow(); tablecell tblcell11 = new tablecell(); tablecell tblcell12 = new tablecell(); tblcell11.horizontalalign = horizontalalign.right; tblcell11.width = new unit("30%"); tblcell11.text = currauthor.text + " says:"; tblcell12.horizontalalign = horizontalalign.left; tblcell12.text = currcomment.text; tblcell12.width = new unit("70%"); tblrow1.cells.add(tblcell11); tblrow1.cells.add(tblcell12); tbl.rows.add(tblrow1); tablecell tblcell21 = new tablecell(); tblcell21.width = new unit("30%"); imagebutton replybutton = new imagebutton(); replybutton.imageurl = "~/images/replybutton.png"; replybutton.attributes.add("style", "float:right"); replybutton.width = 77; replybutton.id = id; replybutton.command += addreply; imagebutton likebutton = new imagebutton(); likebutton.imageurl = "~/images/likebutton.png"; likebutton.attributes.add("style", "float:right"); likebutton.width = 65; label likecount = new label(); likecount.attributes.add("style", "float:right"); likecount.borderstyle = borderstyle.groove; likecount.text = "0"; tablecell tblcell22 = new tablecell(); tblcell22.horizontalalign = horizontalalign.left; tblcell22.controls.add(likecount); tblcell22.controls.add(likebutton); tblcell22.controls.add(replybutton); tblcell22.width = new unit("70%"); tablerow tblrow2 = new tablerow(); tblrow2.cells.add(tblcell21); tblrow2.cells.add(tblcell22); tbl.rows.add(tblrow2); temppanel.controls.add(tbl); //temppanel.controls.add(currcomment); if (numtabs>0) { parentpanel.controls.add(temppanel); } else panel1.controls.add(temppanel); drawcomments(reader.getstring(4), numtabs + 1, temppanel); } } } catch (exception ex) { lbldebug.text = ex.tostring(); } { conn.close(); } }
any suggestions these child panels right aligning appreciated. hope can understand going through poorly written code 15 year old.
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