powershell - replace string in array for C# model -
i wrote powershell script inserts newtonsoft json annotation above each line.
starting file:
public class rootobject { public string clientid { get; set; } public string bankid { get; set; } public string applicationid { get; set; } //(...) public string appname { get; set; } public generaldata loandatarequest { get; set; } } public class roles { public string role1 { get; set; } public string otherparty1 { get; set; } }
result file isn't correct:
public class rootobject { [jsonproperty(propertyname = "")] public string clientid { get; set; } [jsonproperty(propertyname = "")] public string bankid { get; set; } [jsonproperty(propertyname = "")] public string applicationid { get; set; } ... } //other properties exluded due simplicity of code
the script:
$filename = "e:\startingfile.txt" $fileoriginal = get-content $filename $lines = (get-content e:\startingfile.txt) #trim lines $newcontent = foreach ($line in $lines) { $line.trim() } ($i = 0; $i -lt $fileoriginal.length; $i++) { if ($fileoriginal[$i] -like "*public*" -and $fileoriginal[$i] -notlike "*class*") { # insert line before line , not insert if line contains '{','}' $fileoriginal[$i] -replace 'public', '`npublic' $fileoriginal[$i] -replace '{', '`n{' $newfilecontent += "`n[jsonproperty(propertyname = """ + $fileoriginal[$i].split()[2] + """)]" } $newfilecontent += $fileoriginal[$i] } $newfilecontent | out-file "e:\resultfile.txt"
result file want be:
public class rootobject { [jsonproperty(propertyname = "clientid ")] public string clientid { get; set; } [jsonproperty(propertyname = "bankid ")] public string bankid { get; set; } [jsonproperty(propertyname = "applicationid ")] public string applicationid { get; set; } ... } //other properties exluded due simplicity of code
why won't add
json propertyname?answer (editied): realized line contains multiple blanks can value
.how replace array
element , capitalize first letter? (public string clientid
->public string clientid
)- how format txt output same formatted startingfile?
don't bother inserting elements array or building output string. insert new lines output stream go. also, if want indention preserved: don't trim leading whitespace.
get-content 'e:\startingfile.txt' | foreach-object { if ($_ -like '*public*' -and $_ -notlike '*class*') { if ($_ -match '^(\s*)(public\s+\w+\s+)(\w)(\w*)(.*)') { '{0}[jsonproperty(propertyname = "{1}{2}")]' -f $matches[1,3,4] $_ = '{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}' -f $matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3].toupper(), $matches[4], $matches[5] } } $_ } | set-content 'e:\resultfile.txt'
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