c# - Getting stored procedure output parameter with Entity Framework is throwing a mapping error: The data reader is incompatible with the specified -

i working on legacy application , trying make call stored procedure returns integer getting mapping error. error one:

the data reader incompatible specified if_insert_incidents_citizen'. member of type, 'intid', not have corresponding column in data reader same name.

i tried change name _intid, knowing entity framework translates names starts @variable _variable.

the weird thing if make use linqpad , make call stored procedure correct value of @intid

enter image description here

enter image description here

this stored procedure:

create procedure [dbo].[if_insert_incidents_citizen]     @chvfolio varchar(50),     @chvowner_name varchar(100),     @chvowner_address varchar(100),     @dtsdate_created smalldatetime,      @intuser_id integer,      @chvdescription varchar(250),      @chvemail varchar(50),      @intincident_type_id integer,      @intincident_status integer,      @intid int output     set nocount on      declare @interrorcode int     declare @intapp_id int      select @intincident_type_id = cast(param_value int)     if_parameters     param_name = 'citizen_incident_type_id'      begin         --get application id         insert masterapplication (datecreated)          values (getdate())          select @intapp_id = scope_identity()          insert if_incidents         (             folio,              owner_name,             owner_address,             date_created,              user_id,              description,              incident_type_id,              incident_status,             app_id         )         values          (             @chvfolio,              @chvowner_name,             @chvowner_address,             @dtsdate_created,              @intuser_id,              @chvdescription ,             @intincident_type_id,              @intincident_status,             @intapp_id          )         select @interrorcode = @@error, @intid = scope_identity()          --insert complaint         insert if_complaints         (             incident_id,              complainant_id,              description ,               user_id,              officer_assigned_id,              complaint_status_id,              date_made,             email_complainant         )         values          (             @intid,              null,              @chvdescription + ' @ ' + @chvowner_address,              1,              1,              1,              @dtsdate_created ,             @chvemail         )         select @interrorcode = @@error--, @intid = scope_identity()     end      return @interrorcode 

as can see in stored procedure, intid gets incremental value after insert, calling scope_identity()

now trying call stored procedure using entity framework following way:

var bptrep = dependencyfactory.getdependency<icetrepository<if_insert_incidents_citizen>>(); var parameters = getifinsertincidentscitizenparamenters(); var res = bptrep.getallfromstoredprocedure(storedprocedure, parameters); 

the repository use class

//class return value public class if_insert_incidents_citizen {     public int? intid { get; set; } } 

here parameters stored procedure

 private ienumerable<sqlparameter> getifinsertincidentscitizenparamenters()  {         // create parameters         var parameters = new list<sqlparameter>();          var param1 = createsqlparameter("@chvfolio", sqldbtype.nvarchar, parameterdirection.input, criteria["chvfolio"].value, 50);           parameters.add(param1);            ....          var paramx = createsqlparameter("@intincident_status", sqldbtype.int, parameterdirection.input, 10);         parameters.add(paramx);          var outparam = createsqlparameter("@intid", sqldbtype.int, parameterdirection.inputoutput, dbnull.value);         parameters.add(outparam); }  public iqueryable<tentity>getallfromstoredprocedure(string storedprocedure, ienumerable<sqlparameter> parameters) {     var result = context.database.sqlquery<tentity>(storedprocedure, parameters).asqueryable();         return result; } 

i followed approach @gertarnold suggested still not working, parameters , code

enter image description here

var returncode = new sqlparameter("@returncode", sqldbtype.int); returncode.direction = parameterdirection.output;  var sql = "exec if_insert_incidents_citizen @chvfolio, @chvowner_name, @chvowner_address, @dtsdate_created, @intuser_id, @chvdescription, @chvemail, @intincident_type_id, @intincident_status, @intid out";  var data = ctx.database.sqlquery<object>(sql, returncode, parameters);  var result = data.firstordefault(); 

finally @gertarnold put me on right direction, if haven't read post, please it, save lot of time stored procedures output parameters using sqlquery in dbcontext api

i added @intid out on exec call, there no need create returncode variable , call exec @returncode = ....

var returncode = new sqlparameter("@returncode", sqldbtype.int); returncode.direction = parameterdirection.output; 

my code looks this, please aware call .toarray method on parameters instead of passing collection of ienumerable or ilist method

var sql = "exec if_insert_incidents_citizen @chvfolio, @chvowner_name, @chvowner_address, @dtsdate_created, @intuser_id, @chvdescription, @chvemail, @intincident_type_id, @intincident_status, @intid out";  var data = ctx.database.sqlquery<object>(sql, returncode, parameters.toarray());  var result = data.firstordefault(); 


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