.net - Missing namespace on the same version of framework -
i have 2 same applications based on .net core.
first on docker container, have 1.0.4 version of .net core.
second on virtual machine ubuntu 16.0.4 have 1.0.4 version of .net core too.
the problem when want use claims on docker container based application, claims namespace cannot found, on ubuntu vm, ok.
why that? both applications uses same .net core framework why can't find claims namespace on docker container?
it may sounds weird but, have 3 solutions, in first solution claims namespace available, on rest doestn't
there csproj files.
<project sdk="microsoft.net.sdk.web"> <propertygroup> <targetframework>netcoreapp1.1</targetframework> </propertygroup> <itemgroup> <folder include="wwwroot\" /> </itemgroup> <itemgroup> <packagereference include="automapper" version="6.1.1" /> <packagereference include="microsoft.aspnetcore" version="1.1.1" /> <packagereference include="microsoft.aspnetcore.authentication.jwtbearer" version="1.1.2" /> <packagereference include="microsoft.aspnetcore.mvc" version="1.1.3" /> <packagereference include="microsoft.extensions.logging.debug" version="1.1.2" /> </itemgroup> <itemgroup> <projectreference include="..\evento.infrastructure\evento.infrastructure.csproj" /> </itemgroup> </project>
<project sdk="microsoft.net.sdk"> <itemgroup> <projectreference include="..\evento.core\evento.core.csproj" /> </itemgroup> <itemgroup> <packagereference include="automapper" version="6.0.2" /> <packagereference include="microsoft.aspnetcore.authentication.jwtbearer" version="1.1.2" /> <packagereference include="nlog.extensions.logging " version="1.0.0-*" /> <packagereference include="nlog.web.aspnetcore" version="4.4.0" /> <packagereference include="microsoft.aspnetcore" version="1.1.1" /> </itemgroup> <propertygroup> <targetframework>netstandard1.4</targetframework> </propertygroup> </project>
<project sdk="microsoft.net.sdk"> <propertygroup> <targetframework>netstandard1.4</targetframework> </propertygroup> </project>
i have not worked .net on docker containers. can give pointer check. when running virtual machine , docker container, lot of things different.
your vm have bash_profile path settings may missing on docker. docker container running main process while in vm other services running. may or may not have impact on code.
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